Tips for Beginners:
1. It's a common beginner mistake to confuse "Turns" with "Rounds." The game is comprised of 10 Turns, in which the sun disk will move, and all men who have been previously used are refreshed and ready for use again. Within each Turn, players have the option of using their men in one or more individual Rounds. In each Round, a player can draw a tile, place a tile, transfer to sled, and/or take other actions. Beginners often assume that they must play ALL of their men as soon as a Turn occurs. However, there is a +1 man cost for every additional action after the first one in each round.
As a result, the beginning player may exhaust all 7 of his men in the very first Round of the Turn, while accomplishing very little. More accomplished players will be economical in their use of men, and typically perform only one movement or action in each Round - saving men for subsequent actions in that Turn.
Exceptions to this are when speed of action is necessary - to beat another player to an objective, or to complete something before another player can take action.