7 Wonders Architects 7WA
Izgradi čudo toliko veličanstveno da će ostaviti tvoj trag u povijesti. U 7 Wonders Architects izgradit ćeš jedno od 7 čuda staroga svijeta i osvojiti što je više moguće bodova kako bi pobijedio u igri!
Izgradi svoje čudo razinu po razinu: Gledaj kako tvoje čudo raste kroz igru i koristi njegove pogodnosti sa svakom novom razinom koju izgradiš.
Odaberi i odigraj: Tokom svoga kruga, odaberi jednu od triju karata i odmah ju iskoristi. Tvoji resursi, zlato, znanstvena otkrića i vojska vodit će tvoju civilizaciju u pobjedu!
Broj igrača : 2 - 7
Trajanje igre: 7 mn
Složenost: 1 / 5
Igraj 7 Wonders Architects i 988 druge igre online.
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Sa svojim prijateljima i tisućama igrača iz cijelog svijeta.
Igraj 7 Wonders Architects i 988 druge igre online.
Niје nеophodno prеuzimanjе - igraј dirеktno u svom pregledniku.
Sa svojim prijateljima i tisućama igrača iz cijelog svijeta.
Sažetak pravila
The game plays over several turns. On your turn, choose one card from the deck to your left, the deck to your right, or the middle deck (above you). The cards represent resources, science symbols, victory points, or military shields. The game ends as soon as one player's Wonder is entirely constructed. The person with the most victory points at the end of the game is the winner.
Resource cards are either grey or yellow. Grey cards represent the resources to construct each level of your Wonder. Yellow cards represent coins that serve as wild cards to replace any resource you need. The number on each level of construction indicate how many resources are required. The symbols indicate if you need resources that are the same or not the same.
Science cards are green. There are 3 different science symbols available. If you collect 2 identical symbols or 1 of each symbol, you can take a Progress Token.
Victory point cards are blue. Each victory point card is worth either 2 or 3 victory points. The 2 victory point cards also have a cat symbol, allowing you to claim the cat pawn. Having the cat pawn allows you to see the top card of the middle deck at the start of your turn.
Shield cards are red. Each military shield card contains a shield and either 0, 1, or 2 horns. Collecting shield cards with horns trigger conflict tokens and once all conflict tokens are triggered a battle commences at the end of that player's turn. You gain 3 victory points if you have more shields than each of your neighbors, 0 victory points if they are equal or less. Discard all shield cards with horns after the battle.
2-Player Battles
When resolving a battle in a 2-player game, a player with at least one more Shield than their opponent takes 1 Military Victory token (3 points). However, if a player has at least twice as many Shields as their opponent, take 2 Military Victory tokens (2 x 3 = 6 points). If your opponent has no Shields, and you have 2 or more, take 2 Military Victory tokens (6 points).
2-Player Battle, Scoring Examples:
- 1 Shield(s) vs. 0 Shield(s) = 1 token (3 points)
- 2 Shield(s) vs. 0 Shield(s) = 2 tokens (6 points)
- 2 Shield(s) vs. 1 Shield(s) = 2 tokens (6 points)
- 3 Shield(s) vs. 2 Shield(s) = 1 token (3 points)
- 4 Shield(s) vs. 2 Shield(s) = 2 tokens (6 points)
Special Effects
Special Effects of the seven different Wonders:
Special Effects of the 14 different Progress Token:
End of Game
The game ends as soon as one player's Wonder is constructed. The winner is the player with the most victory points.
Victory points are gained through each constructed level of your Wonder, the cat pawn (2 points), blue cards, military victory tokens, and progress tokens. If there is a tie, the winner is the player who has the most levels of their Wonder constructed.