It's not about a swimming-pool game, a space mission or an old theme-park:
It's about ADVENTURE!
The Venetian explorer Marco Polo is taking over Board Game Arena and his ship is coming with, not only 1, but 2 surprises!
The Voyages of Marco Polo is a 2015 Hans Im Glück release designed by *Simone Luciani *and Daniele Tascini.
It's not that short of a game, but it's not a really difficult one, and has a lot of depth and strategy.
Made for 2 to 4 travellers (we prefer 4), the games are lasting for 50 mins once you know the game.
We recommend you to try it first in turn-based 😉
How does it play? Easy.
Each player will play a different character with special powers, and they will recreate Marco Polo's journey through Mesopotamia and the "Silk Road".
Five main different actions are available:
Get resources using dice
Take resources of your choice and 2 camels
Earn money
Purchase orders
After 5 rounds, the game ends with players receiving points for arriving in Beijing, fulfilling orders, cities reached, secret objectives, etc...
Being a dice-based game will not make your luck decide on whether or not you will win: you need strong strategies, and anticipation.
Winner of more than 15 awards around the globe, this game is a gem to play, and we are proud to bring it to you right now, on BGA.
Oh, and... It's FREE for all!
So why not give it a try right now?
Thanks to our developer Hersh, the game should play flawlessly on any devices. He did a wonderful job adapting this boardgame for BGA and all kudos are going to him for his hard work.
What are you looking for?
Oh, yeah, we told you there is more...
So you'll be glad to know that for the first time ever, we are also releasing at the same time:
MARCO POLO II : In the Service of the Khan!
But not too fast: first, this is not an update of the game : it's a whole new game, an epic follow-up of the first one.
Second, it's not fully released yet: it's available in BETA, so you'll find it in the BETA section of the game page (and thus, it's still a work in progress, but already fully playable).
It will be released officially in a few weeks, but you can try your hand at it right now:
Please also note that this game is available as a PREMIUM game (only PREMIUM subscribers can create new tables, then everyone can join).
And now for something completely different, you'll be glad to know that the team is growing and we will have a nice announcement in a few days.
But I must not write half of what I saw, for I know I would not be believed...
Ne radi se o igri na bazenu, svemirskoj misiji ili starom tematskom parku:
Riječ je o AVANTURI!
Venecijanski istraživač Marco Polo preuzima Board Game Arena i njegov brod dolazi s, ne samo 1, već i 2 iznenađenja!
Putovanja Marka Pola izdanje je Hans Im Glücka iz 2015. godine koje su dizajnirali Simone Luciani i Daniele Tascini.
Nije toliko kratka igra, ali nije doista teška i ima puno dubine i strategije.
Napravljene za 2 do 4 putnika (preferiramo 4), igre traju 50 minuta nakon što upoznate igru.
Preporučujemo vam da prvo isprobate potez za potez
Kako se igra?
Svaki će igrač glumiti različitog lika s posebnim moćima i stvorit će putovanje Marka Pola kroz Mezopotamiju i "put svile".
Dostupno je pet glavnih različitih radnji:
- Nabavite resurse pomoću kockica
- Uzmite resurse po vašem izboru i 2 deve
- Zaraditi novac
- Narudžbenice
- Putujte
Nakon 5 rundi, igra završava tako što igrači dobivaju bodove za dolazak u Peking, ispunjavanje narudžbi, dosegnute gradove, tajne ciljeve itd ...
Budući da ste igra zasnovana na kockama, vaša sreća neće odlučiti hoćete li pobijediti ili ne: trebaju vam jake strategije i iščekivanje.
Dobitnica više od 15 nagrada širom svijeta, ova je igra dragulj i ponosni smo što vam je donosimo upravo sada, na BGA.
Oh, i ...
BESPLATNO je za sve!
Pa zašto ne probati odmah sada?
Zahvaljujući našem programeru Hershu, igra bi se trebala igrati besprijekorno na bilo kojem uređaju.
Napravio je prekrasan posao adaptirajući ovu igračku igru za BGA i sve pohvale idu mu za njegov naporan rad.
Što tražiš?
Oh, da, rekli smo vam da postoji još ...
Stoga će vam biti drago znati da prvi put ikada istovremeno objavljujemo i:
MARCO POLO II: U službi Khana!
Ali ne prebrzo: prvo, ovo nije ažuriranje igre: to je potpuno nova igra, epski nastavak prve.
Drugo, još nije u potpunosti objavljen: dostupan je u beta verziji, pa ćete ga pronaći u BETA odjeljku stranice igre (i samim time, još uvijek je u izradi, ali već je u potpunosti moguće igrati).
Službeno će biti objavljen za nekoliko tjedana, ali sada se možete okušati:
Također, imajte na umu da je ova igra dostupna kao PREMIUM igra (samo pretplatnici mogu stvoriti nove igre, a zatim se svi mogu pridružiti).
A sada za nešto sasvim drugo, bit će vam drago znati da tim raste i imat ćemo lijepu najavu za nekoliko dana.
Ali ne smijem napisati pola onoga što sam vidio, jer znam da mi se ne bi vjerovalo ...