That's life...
You don't always choose what is happening around you; sometimes for the worst and sometimes for the best.
And speaking of the best- today we are releasing... [drumroll please]...
PANDEMIC: the famous board game by Matt Leacock!
*So it is your turn to save planet earth... again?!
The game won too many awards worldwide to display them here. Although many of you probably already know about the game, we want to drop a few lines about the game for those who don't.
In Pandemic, several virulent diseases have broken out simultaneously all over the world! The players are disease-fighting specialists whose mission is to treat disease hotspots while researching cures for each of the four plagues before they get out of hand.
The game board depicts several major population centers on a map. On each turn, a player can use up to four actions to travel between cities, to treat infected populaces, to discover a cure, or to build a research station. A deck of cards provides the players with these abilities, but sprinkled throughout this deck are Epidemic cards that accelerate and intensify the diseases' activity. A second, separate deck of cards controls the "normal" spread of the infections.
Taking a unique role within the team, players must plan their strategy to mesh with their specialists' strengths in order to conquer the diseases. For example: the Operations Expert can build research stations which are needed to find cures for the diseases and which allow for greater mobility between cities; the Scientist needs only four cards of a particular disease to cure it instead of the normal five— but the diseases are spreading quickly and time is running out. If one or more diseases spreads beyond recovery or if too much time elapses, the players all lose. If they cure the four diseases, they all win!
What's up with the Board Game Arena version, Doc?
The 2013 edition of Pandemic you can play on BGA includes two new characters—the Contingency Planner and the Quarantine Specialist—not available in earlier editions of the game.
You can play it here in Training mode to learn about the game mechanics, but you will also be able to choose a few options depending on your own preferences: 3 difficulty modes with closed or open hands, a Solo mode with different characters, etc.
And because we know you will ask: There are currently no expansions included. 😉
**Take a look at the game right now here:
The whole team is pleased to offer you a larger cooperative game now on Board Game Arena during these times, where you can join forces to win a game or two against Pandemic.
Nothing would have been possible without the help of the publisher, Z-Man Games, and their team-members: you rock!
Of course, our warm thanks go to designer Matt Leacock, and our wonderful developer, Moof, for bringing such a deep game to the platform.
As usual, the game has been tested over and over, but do not hesitate to post any bugs on the **Bug Report **page. Also, remember that you can help translate the game from the Community pages, for... the community.
During the next few weeks, we will offer an opportunity for you to play against the Z-Man Games team, and maybe against MATT LEACOCK himself!
If it happens, you will also be able to enter a raffle for some prizes like [redacted].
So keep an eye on our social network accounts Twitter, Facebook or Instagram, as well as the official PANDEMIC page on Facebook : HERE.
Of course, there's even more coming.
And as the summer holidays are quite close now, why not doing a SUMMER GAMES CALENDAR?
(You didn't see that coming, did you?)
**YES !
**A calendar like the one we did last winter.
Everyday, a new game will be released for the next 62 days!
Of course, they are not as big as this one, but they deserve your attention as well. Go on the BGA front page every day to click on the calendar and dig out the new games!
And if you come open them daily, you will unlock some very special achievements to show off on your account page.
We will, of course, keep the weekly releases with more popular games, but we think that it is a fun way to show off some other new games that deserves your attention.
That's it for now, have fun and see you next week!
PANDEMIJA: Kad je bilo kakva sličnost sa postojećim ili prošlim situacijama potpuno slučajna ...
To je život...
Ne odabirete uvijek ono što se događa oko vas; ponekad za najgore, a ponekad za najbolje.
A kad smo već kod najboljih - danas puštamo ...
[bubanj molim] ...
PANDEMIKA: poznata društvena igra Matta Leacocka!
Dakle, na vama je red da spasite planet Zemlju ...
Igra je osvojila previše nagrada širom svijeta da bi ih ovdje mogla prikazati.
Iako mnogi od vas vjerojatno već znaju za igru, želimo dodati nekoliko redaka o igri za one koji to ne znaju.
U Pandemiji je nekoliko virulentnih bolesti istodobno izbilo po cijelom svijetu!
Igrači su stručnjaci za borbu protiv bolesti čija je misija liječiti žarišta bolesti dok istražuju lijekove za svaku od četiri pošasti prije nego što izmaknu kontroli.
Igraća ploča prikazuje nekoliko glavnih središta stanovništva na karti.
Na svakom okretu igrač može koristiti do četiri akcije za putovanje između gradova, liječenje zaraženih populacija, otkrivanje lijeka ili izgradnju istraživačke stanice.
Špil karata pruža igračima ove sposobnosti, ali po cijelom tom špilu nalaze se epidemiološke karte koje ubrzavaju i pojačavaju aktivnost bolesti.
Drugi, odvojeni špil karata kontrolira "normalno" širenje zaraza.
Preuzimajući jedinstvenu ulogu u timu, igrači moraju planirati svoju strategiju kako bi se povezali sa snagama svojih stručnjaka kako bi pobijedili bolesti.
Na primjer: Operativni stručnjak može izgraditi istraživačke stanice potrebne za pronalazak lijekova za bolesti i koje omogućuju veću mobilnost između gradova; znanstveniku su potrebne samo četiri karte određene bolesti da bi je izliječio umjesto uobičajenih pet - ali bolesti se brzo šire i vrijeme istječe.
Ako se jedna ili više bolesti proširi nakon oporavka ili ako protekne previše vremena, svi igrači gube.
Ako izliječe četiri bolesti, svi pobjeđuju!
What's up with the Board Game Arena version, Doc?
The 2013 edition of Pandemic you can play on BGA includes two new characters—the Contingency Planner and the Quarantine Specialist—not available in earlier editions of the game.
Ovdje ga možete igrati u načinu Treninga da biste saznali više o mehanici igre, ali moći ćete odabrati i nekoliko opcija ovisno o vlastitim željama: 3 načina težine sa zatvorenim ili otvorenim rukama, Solo način s različitim likovima itd.
A jer znamo da ćete pitati: Trenutno nisu uključena proširenja.
Pogledajte igru odmah ovdje:
Cijeli tim sa zadovoljstvom vam nudi veću suradničku igru koja je sada na Board Game Arena u to doba, gdje možete udružiti snage i osvojiti utakmicu ili dvije protiv Pandemica.
Ništa ne bi bilo moguće bez pomoći izdavača, Z-Man Gamesa i njihovih članova tima: vi rock!
Naravno, toplo zahvaljujemo dizajneru Mattu Leacocku i našem divnom programeru Moof-u što su doveli tako duboku igru na platformu.
Kao i obično, igra je uvijek iznova testirana, ali nemojte se ustručavati objaviti bilo kakve greške na stranici Izvještaj o greškama.
Također, imajte na umu da možete pomoći u prijevodu igre sa stranica Zajednice, jer ...
Tijekom sljedećih nekoliko tjedana pružit ćemo vam priliku da igrate protiv ekipe Z-Man Games, a možda i protiv samog MATT LEACOCKA!
Ako se to dogodi, moći ćete ući u tombolu za neke nagrade poput [redigovano].
Stoga pripazite na naše račune na društvenim mrežama Twitter, Facebook ili Instagram, kao i službenu PANDEMIČKU stranicu na Facebooku: OVDJE.
Naravno, dolazi još više.
A kako su ljetni praznici sada sasvim blizu, zašto ne napraviti LJETNI KALENDAR IGARA?
(Niste to vidjeli, zar ne?)
Kalendar kakav smo radili prošle zime.
Svakodnevno će u sljedeća 62 dana biti objavljena nova igra!
Naravno, nisu toliko veliki kao ovaj, ali zaslužuju i vašu pažnju.
Idite na naslovnu stranicu BGA svaki dan da biste kliknuli kalendar i iskopali nove igre!
A ako ih svakodnevno dolazite, otključat ćete neka vrlo posebna dostignuća koja ćete pokazati na stranici svog računa.
Naravno, zadržat ćemo tjedna izdanja s popularnijim igrama, ali mislimo da je to zabavan način prikazati neke druge nove igre koje zaslužuju vašu pažnju.
To je za sada, zabavite se i vidimo se sljedeći tjedan!