Tons of awards for a good reason: the game you are about to try is a perfect example of how Phil Walker-Harding can mess with your brain.
Polyomino arrangement, card drafting, set collection... There is plenty to do in Bärenpark!
Did you know?
Up to two thousand pounds in weight and over ten feet tall, the bear is considered the biggest and heaviest terrestrial carnivore in the world. Of course, there is not just "one bear;" on the contrary, there are plenty of subspecies that differ from each other in various aspects. For instance, only the Kodiak bear (ursus arctos middendorffi) weighs about 2,000 lbs. The polar bear (ursus maritimus) weighs "only" 1,100 lbs., but gets much bigger than the Kodiak bear, being as much as 11 ft. tall!
Bärenpark takes you into the world of bears, challenging you to build your own bear park. Would you like another polar bear enclosure or rather a koala* house? The park visitors are sure to get hungry on their tour through the park, so build them places to eat! Whatever your choices are, make sure you get the next building permit and use your land wisely! (*No, koalas aren't bears but they are so cute, they could not be left them out of this game!)
In order to be successful, you must skillfully fit together enclosures, animal houses and green areas, and use every available inch of your land. Animal houses and enclosures are worth points, and are more valuable if you build them quickly.
In more detail, each player in Bärenpark builds their own bear park, attempting to make it as beautiful as they can, while also using every square meter possible. The park is created by combining polyomino tiles onto a grid, with players scoring for animal houses, outdoor areas, completed construction, and more. The sooner you build it, the better! Cover icons to get new tiles and park sections. The game ends as soon as one player has finished expanding their park, then players tally their points to see who has won.
You can check the game page right here:
The game developed for BGA by bennygui is perfectly done for all devices, and can be played from your desktop or your mobile phone the same way. Congratulations to him!
We would like to thank, of course, the game designer Phil Walker-Harding, as well as the Lookout Games team (you all rule!) for their authorization to bring the game to your beloved platform.
The game is now available for all to enjoy, and we are happy to share one of our favorite games available here.
*Summer Calendar is still on the way, and more games are coming daily!
Stay fresh and don't forget to hydrate if you're hit by the heat.*
That's it for today!
BÄRENPARK: Tegleći medvjed!
Tone nagrada s dobrim razlogom: igra koju ćete isprobati savršen je primjer kako vam Phil Walker-Harding može petljati s mozgom.
Polyomino aranžman, izrada čestitki, preuzimanje seta...
U Bärenparku ima mnogo toga za raditi!
Dali si znao?
Težak do dvije tisuće funti i visok preko deset stopa, medvjed se smatra najvećim i najtežim kopnenim mesožderom na svijetu.
Naravno, ne postoji samo "jedan medvjed"; naprotiv, ima dosta podvrsta koje se međusobno razlikuju u raznim aspektima.
Na primjer, samo kodiak medvjed (ursus arctos middendorffi) teži oko 2000 funti.
Polarni medvjed (ursus maritimus) teži "samo" 1100 lbs., ali postaje mnogo veći od medvjeda Kodiak, s čak 11 stopa.
Bärenpark vas vodi u svijet medvjeda, izazivajući vas da izgradite vlastiti park za medvjede.
Želite li još jednu nastambu za polarne medvjede ili radije kuću za koale*?
Posjetitelji parka sigurno će ogladnjeti na svojoj turi kroz park, pa im izgradite mjesta za jelo!
Bez obzira na vaš izbor, pobrinite se da dobijete sljedeću građevinsku dozvolu i pametno koristite svoje zemljište!
(*Ne, koale nisu medvjedi, ali su tako slatke, nisu se mogle izostaviti iz ove igre!)
Da biste bili uspješni, morate vješto uklopiti ograđene prostore, nastambe za životinje i zelene površine te iskoristiti svaki raspoloživi centimetar svoje zemlje.
Kuće za životinje i ograđeni prostori vrijede bodove, a vredniji su ako ih brzo izgradite.
Detaljnije, svaki igrač u Bärenparku gradi vlastiti park za medvjede, nastojeći ga učiniti što ljepšim, a istovremeno koristi svaki mogući kvadratni metar.
Park se stvara kombiniranjem poliomino pločica na rešetku, pri čemu igrači postižu bodove za životinjske kućice, vanjska područja, dovršenu izgradnju i još mnogo toga.
Što prije ga izgradite, to bolje!
Pokrijte ikone da biste dobili nove pločice i dijelove parka.
Igra završava čim jedan igrač završi s proširenjem svog parka, a zatim igrači zbrajaju svoje bodove da vide tko je pobijedio.
Ovdje možete provjeriti stranicu igre:
Igra koju je za BGA razvio bennygui savršeno je izrađena za sve uređaje i može se igrati s vašeg stolnog računala ili mobilnog telefona na isti način.
Svaka mu čast!
Željeli bismo zahvaliti, naravno, dizajneru igre Philu Walker-Hardingu, kao i timu Lookout Games (svi vi vladate!) na njihovom ovlaštenju da igru prenesu na vašu voljenu platformu.
Igra je sada dostupna za sve, a mi smo sretni da podijelimo jednu od naših omiljenih igara dostupnih ovdje.
Ljetni kalendar je još uvijek na putu, a nove igre stižu svakodnevno!
Ostanite svježi i ne zaboravite se hidratizirati ako vas pogodi vrućina.
To je to za danas!