Oh yeaaaah...
The new moon symbolises new beginnings, the perfect time to start afresh and plan your future — and that is what Nova Luna (latin for new moon) is all about. In each round of this abstract tile-laying game, you will plan your future anew, developing a specific strategy around the offerings of the moon wheel.
Uwe Rosenberg? Even more beautiful...
On each turn, you will decide which new tile from the moon wheel to place in front of you. Each tile brings a new task for you to fulfil by placing tiles of the correct color adjacent to the task you want to complete. But these, of course, bring new tasks! Each time a task is completed, you may place one of your markers on it. So decide wisely, and be the first one to place all your markers!
And you can play it now on Board Game Arena by clicking the link below:
](https://boardgamearena.com/gamepanel?game=novaluna) Oh yeaaaaah....
And it's all thanks to Edition Spielwiese that we are able to offer you the game to play online, on BGA!
Uwe Rosenberg hasn't worked alone on this game, and it's also thanks to the work done by Corné van Moorsel on the game design side that you can enjoy it. But there's more. Oh yeah. Ginso developed it and ported it to the platform. And they all deserve an "Oh yeaaah".
Bow! Bow!
Yeah it's not Ferris Bueller's day but that's all for this Wednesday Release time!
See you next week,
until then, take care and play fair!
NOVA LUNA: Mjesec... prekrasan...
Oh daaaaa...
Mladi mjesec simbolizira nove početke, savršeno vrijeme da počnete iznova i planirate svoju budućnost — i to je ono što Nova Luna (latinski za mladi mjesec) predstavlja.
U svakom krugu ove apstraktne igre slaganja pločica iznova ćete planirati svoju budućnost, razvijajući specifičnu strategiju oko ponude Mjesečevog kotača.
Uwe Rosenberg?
Još ljepše...
Na svakom koraku odlučit ćete koju ćete novu pločicu s mjesečevog kotača staviti ispred sebe.
Svaka pločica donosi novi zadatak koji trebate ispuniti postavljanjem pločica odgovarajuće boje uz zadatak koji želite izvršiti.
Ali to, naravno, donosi nove zadatke!
Svaki put kada je zadatak dovršen, možete staviti jedan od svojih markera na njega.
Stoga odlučite mudro i budite prvi koji će postaviti sve svoje oznake!
I sada je možete igrati na Board Game Arena klikom na poveznicu ispod:
O daaaaaa....
I to je sve zahvaljujući izdanju Spielwiese što smo u mogućnosti ponuditi vam igru igrati online, na BGA!
Uwe Rosenberg nije radio sam na ovoj igri, a možete uživati i zahvaljujući radu koji je obavio Corné van Moorsel na strani dizajna igre.
Ali ima još toga.
O da.
Ginso ga je razvio i prenio na platformu.
I svi oni zaslužuju "O daaaah".
Nakloniti se!
Nakloniti se!
Da, nije dan Ferrisa Buellera, ali to je sve za ovu srijedu. Vrijeme objave!
Vidimo se sljedeći tjedan,
do tada, čuvajte se i igrajte pošteno!