*It's all about the sun. Oh Yeah!
*Welcome to the world of Photosynthesis, the green strategy board game!
Plant and shape the ever-changing forest as you cultivate your seeds and your strategy. Take your trees through their life-cycle, from seedling to full bloom to rebirth, and earn points as their leaves collect energy from the revolving sun’s rays. Carefully pick where you sow and when you grow, as trees in the shadows are blocked from light, and from points.
Each turn the sun moves around the board, shifting the directions of its rays so different trees are now bathed in light and generate light points based on the size of the tree- as long as the tree is in the light and not shadowed by other trees. On your turn you can take a couple of different actions including:
*-Planting seeds on the board
-Growing trees to the next size
-Buying trees
-Harvesting fully grown trees*
When you grow a tree you need to have an available tree of the next size next to your player board. So, in order for a tree to grow you need to first buy a bigger tree.
Once you understand this sequence of events the gameplay is pretty straightforward and turns are quick. You usually only have enough light points to do 1-3 actions per turn.
It is light, green and available for you to play on Board Game Arena right now! And if you are too shy to dive into the rules, you can just learn it by playing the tutorial included!
Of course you can find the game page by clicking right below:
https://boardgamearena.com/gamepanel?ga ... osynthesis
The publisher is Blue Orange Games, the designer is Hjalmar Hach, and the developers for BGA are darhf and lordalx. And they all deserve a big THANKS and some LOVE for making the game available to all on your favorite platform! It is thanks to the efforts of many people that we can offer you the best of both real and digital worlds.
**So don't loose a minute, the sun is rising, it's time to plant a tree!
**That's it for today Wednesday Release Time.
See you next week, and until then, take care and play fair!
FOTOSINTEZA: Ne električni klavir, nego lagani zalogaj!
Sve je zbog sunca.
O da!
Dobro došli u svijet Photosynthesis, zelene strateške društvene igre!
Sadite i oblikujte šumu koja se neprestano mijenja dok uzgajate svoja sjemena i svoju strategiju.
Provedite svoja stabla kroz njihov životni ciklus, od sadnice do punog cvata do ponovnog rođenja, i zaradite bodove dok njihovo lišće skuplja energiju od rotirajućih sunčevih zraka.
Pažljivo birajte gdje sijete i kada rastete, jer je drveće u sjeni blokirano od svjetla i točaka.
Svakim okretom sunce se kreće oko ploče, mijenjajući smjerove svojih zraka tako da su različita stabla sada okupana svjetlošću i generiraju svjetlosne točke na temelju veličine stabla - sve dok je stablo na svjetlu i nije u sjeni drugih stabala .
Kada ste na redu, možete poduzeti nekoliko različitih radnji uključujući:
-Sađenje sjemena na ploču
- Uzgoj stabala do sljedeće veličine
-Kupnja drvca
-Berba potpuno odraslih stabala
Kada uzgajate stablo, morate imati dostupno stablo sljedeće veličine pored svoje ploče s igračem.
Dakle, da bi stablo raslo prvo morate kupiti veće stablo.
Jednom kada shvatite ovaj slijed događaja igranje je prilično jednostavno, a potezi brzi.
Obično imate samo dovoljno svjetlosnih točaka da napravite 1-3 akcije po potezu.
Svijetlo je, zeleno i dostupno vam je za igranje na Board Game Arena upravo sada!
A ako ste previše sramežljivi zaroniti u pravila, možete to jednostavno naučiti igrajući uključeni vodič!
Naravno, stranicu igre možete pronaći klikom desno ispod:
Izdavač je Blue Orange Games, dizajner Hjalmar Hach, a programeri za BGA su darhf i lordalx.
I svi oni zaslužuju veliko HVALA i malo LJUBAVI što su igru učinili dostupnom svima na vašoj omiljenoj platformi!
Zahvaljujući naporima mnogih ljudi možemo vam ponuditi najbolje iz stvarnog i digitalnog svijeta.
Zato ne gubite ni minutu, sunce izlazi, vrijeme je da posadite drvo!
To je to za danas , u srijedu.
Vidimo se sljedeći tjedan, a do tada čuvajte se i igrajte pošteno!