...and they are not twins!
VILLAGERS and STREETS are two TOTALLY different games published by SInister FIsh Games that shares the same graphic feel and the same game designer, but that's it!
**Now it is up to you to decide which one fits your taste best.
On the left side, you have VILLAGERS:
You are the founder of a new village during the middle ages, in the years after a great plague. The loss of so many people has created big problems for the survivors. Many of the people the villagers used to depend on for essential things like food, shelter, and clothes are gone. Craftsmen find themselves without suppliers of raw materials, traders have lost their customers and many have lost their farms and workshops as they escaped the plague.
The roads are full of refugees seeking a new beginning. They come to you, hoping to settle down on your land and make a living. Your grain farm is the ideal starting point for a village, reliably providing food for many people. You must choose wisely who you allow to settle with you, as your food and resources are limited.
The people on the road have valuable and unique skills, but they all in turn rely on other people with very specific crafts to be able to work. Raw materials, tools and services must be provided by other people from the road.
If you manage to find people that can work together to make a profit, while increasing your food surplus and capacity for building new houses, your village will be prosperous.
You can learn it by trying the tutorial available here. Do not worry, you can even share it, because you do not need to be logged in to try it!
On the right side we have... STREETS!
The city was once a small and sleepy town, but the affordable properties have attracted artists, startup companies, and families. Celebrities and influencers are moving in, and after some recent archeological findings, the tourist industry is booming. Street by street, the city is transforming into a centre of culture and commerce.
Players are investors creating attractive new streets in the growing city, investing in new businesses and homes. Some streets will become hotspots for hipsters, others will be dominated by tourists or families with children. Others still will become designated shopping areas. Where will your Microbrewery profit the most? What is the best location for a Toy Store? What kind of environments are the other investors creating, and can you exploit their work for your own gain?
As each street is completed, the people on it will move to new buildings that interest them- hopefully one of your buildings on an up-and-coming street. Can you compete with the hype of your rivals and grow your following over time? To earn the most money and win the game you need to manage your limited investment funds cleverly, planning ahead while keeping your mind open to fresh opportunities.
Streets is a tile-laying game where players build a city together. Each building has a simple evaluation formula which earns money for the owner when the street is scored. Values are affected by the other buildings on the street, so smart placement is essential to maximise profit. On top of this, the city is populated by hipsters, families, shoppers and tourists, each with their own preferred building type. Cleverly located properties can benefit from the growing crowds of people who further increase the value of the buildings they visit.
Optional expansion modules add powerful asymmetric player abilities, extra layers of strategy, & tough decisions. It also has a SOLO mode, so you can even play it alone. But it is more fun with friends.
You can of course learn it also by clicking your way through the short interactive tutorial, available right here.
You can play both of the games and discover more about them (rules, videos, etc...) by clicking the related links below:
And that's it! Play both of them, and come tell us which one you prefer!
You like both of them? Share it with the publisher: They are the one we should thank for this port to Board Game Arena.
Also, let's not forget the very cool work done by the developers, Kayvon & Mogri, who did an excellent job on both games. A big thanks to them. You can play the games on many devices. Nothing is perfect, so if you tried to play it on some very fancy or very old device, do not hesitate to tell us about any bugs using the report form. That's cool for us, and for other users.
Thanks a lot for playing on BGA.
These games are part of a line from an indie company, and we are counting on you to spread the word about them.
That's it for today... and it's only Monday!
See you on Wednesday for our WRT ('Wednesday Release Time) post, and until then...
Take care and play fair!
SELJANI + ULICE: Dvostruka poslastica za duplo više veselja...
...i nisu blizanci!
VILLAGERS i STREETS dvije su POTPUNO različite igre koje je objavio Sinister Fish Games koje dijele isti grafički dojam i istog dizajnera igre, ali to je to!
Sada je na vama da odlučite koji vam najviše odgovara.
Na lijevoj strani imate SELJANE:
Vi ste osnivač novog sela u srednjem vijeku, u godinama nakon velike kuge.
Gubitak tolikog broja ljudi stvorio je velike probleme preživjelima.
Mnogi ljudi o kojima su seljaci prije ovisili kada su u pitanju bitne stvari poput hrane, skloništa i odjeće su otišli.
Obrtnici su ostali bez dobavljača sirovina, trgovci su ostali bez mušterija, a mnogi su izgubili svoje farme i radionice bježeći od kuge.
Ceste su pune izbjeglica koje traže novi početak.
Dolaze k vama, u nadi da će se skrasiti na vašoj zemlji i zaraditi za život.
Vaša farma žitarica idealno je polazište za selo, pouzdano osiguravajući hranu za mnoge ljude.
Morate mudro odabrati kome ćete dopustiti da se nastani kod vas, jer su vaša hrana i resursi ograničeni.
Ljudi na cesti imaju vrijedne i jedinstvene vještine, ali se svi redom oslanjaju na druge ljude s vrlo specifičnim zanatima da bi mogli raditi.
Sirovine, alate i usluge moraju osigurati drugi ljudi s ceste.
Ako uspijete pronaći ljude koji mogu raditi zajedno kako bi ostvarili profit, dok istovremeno povećavate višak hrane i kapacitet za izgradnju novih kuća, vaše će selo biti napredno.
Možete ga naučiti isprobavanjem vodiča dostupnog ovdje.
Ne brinite, možete ga čak i podijeliti jer ne morate biti prijavljeni da biste ga isprobali!
Na desnoj strani imamo...
Grad je nekoć bio mali i uspavani gradić, ali pristupačne nekretnine privukle su umjetnike, startup tvrtke i obitelji.
Slavne osobe i influenceri doseljavaju se, a nakon nekih nedavnih arheoloških otkrića, turistička industrija doživljava procvat.
Ulicu po ulicu, grad se pretvara u središte kulture i trgovine.
Igrači su investitori koji stvaraju atraktivne nove ulice u rastućem gradu, ulažu u nove tvrtke i domove.
Neke će ulice postati hotspotovi za hipstere, drugima će dominirati turisti ili obitelji s djecom.
Ostala će i dalje postati određena trgovačka područja.
Gdje će vaša Microbrewery najviše profitirati?
Koje je najbolje mjesto za trgovinu igračaka?
Kakvo okruženje stvaraju drugi investitori i možete li iskoristiti njihov rad za vlastitu korist?
Kako svaka ulica bude dovršena, ljudi u njoj će se preseliti u nove zgrade koje ih zanimaju - nadamo se u jednu od vaših zgrada u ulici u usponu.
Možete li se natjecati s pompom svojih suparnika i s vremenom povećati broj svojih sljedbenika?
Da biste zaradili najviše novca i pobijedili u igri, morate pametno upravljati svojim ograničenim investicijskim fondovima, planirati unaprijed, dok um ostaje otvoren za nove prilike.
Streets je igra polaganja pločica u kojoj igrači zajedno grade grad.
Svaka zgrada ima jednostavnu formulu za procjenu koja zarađuje novac za vlasnika kada se ulica ocjenjuje.
Na vrijednosti utječu druge zgrade u ulici, stoga je pametno postavljanje ključno za maksimiziranje profita.
Povrh toga, grad je naseljen hipsterima, obiteljima, kupcima i turistima, od kojih svatko ima svoj preferirani tip zgrade.
Pametno locirane nekretnine mogu imati koristi od sve većeg broja ljudi koji dodatno povećavaju vrijednost zgrada koje posjećuju.
Izborni moduli proširenja dodaju moćne asimetrične sposobnosti igrača, dodatne slojeve strategije i teške odluke.
Također ima SOLO način rada, tako da ga čak možete igrati sami.
Ali zabavnije je s prijateljima.
Naravno, to možete naučiti i klikom na kratki interaktivni vodič, dostupan upravo ovdje.
Možete igrati obje igrice i otkriti više o njima (pravila, videozapise, itd...) klikom na povezane poveznice u nastavku:
I to je to! Igrajte oba, i dođite nam reći koji vam se više sviđa!
Sviđaju ti se obje? Podijelite to s izdavačem: njima trebamo zahvaliti za ovaj prijenos na Board Game Arena.
Također, nemojmo zaboraviti vrlo cool posao koji su napravili programeri, Kayvon & Mogri, koji su obavili odličan posao na obje igre. Velika im hvala. Igre možete igrati na mnogim uređajima. Ništa nije savršeno, pa ako ste pokušali igrati na nekom vrlo otmjenom ili vrlo starom uređaju, ne ustručavajte se javiti nam sve greške koristeći obrazac za prijavu. To je cool za nas, a i za druge korisnike.
Hvala puno što ste igrali na BGA.
Ove su igre dio linije nezavisne tvrtke i računamo na vas da proširite glas o njima.
To je to za danas... a tek je ponedjeljak!
Vidimo se u srijedu na našem WRT ('Wednesday Release Time) postu, a do tada...
Čuvajte se i igrajte pošteno!