"In the Wild West, the shootouts between the Outlaws and the Sheriff are becoming particularly tough. Players must be ready to welcome the Dalton Gang, keep cool during the Gold Rush, and be really careful when walking in the ghost town!"
In this Premium expansion to BANG!, there are 15 new High Noon cards: shuffle them and put the one called "High Noon" at the bottom. Each turn the Sheriff reveals a new High Noon card which all players must follow for the entire round.
For example, during 'Hangover' all characters lose their special abilities. With 'Blessing' the suit of every card becomes Hearts (so, Barrels always work and Dynamite never explodes, etc.).
Even if you are already out of the game, you can come back as a ghost for a round during the 'Ghost Town' phase, and try to win!
This first expansion brings a lot more fun to the base game, but beware what you say!
The game designed by Emiliano Sciarra and distributed by DV Giochi is an absolute classic that can shine on BGA as long as you are respectful of other players. Remember that you can report anyone that is behaving mischievously (outside of the scope of the game roleplay focus).
We would love to thank the publisher as well as the game designer for the authorisation to run the game on our platform, as well as the remarkable work done by KuWizard to develop the game for the platform. It's not that easy regarding the millions of possibilities. 😉
That's it for today! Thanks for reading,
And waiting for Wednesday, as always, take care and play fair!
"Na Divljem zapadu, obračuni između Odmetnika i Šerifa postaju posebno teški.
Igrači moraju biti spremni dočekati Dalton Gang, držati se hladnokrvno tijekom zlatne groznice i biti jako oprezni kada hodaju gradom duhova!"
U ovoj Premium ekspanziji za BANG!, postoji 15 novih karata u podne: promiješajte ih i na dno stavite onu koja se zove "U podne".
Svaki potez šerif otkriva novu kartu u podne koju svi igrači moraju slijediti tijekom cijele runde.
Na primjer, tijekom 'Mamurluka' svi likovi gube svoje posebne sposobnosti.
S 'Blagoslovom' boja svake karte postaje Hearts (dakle, bačve uvijek rade, a dinamit nikada ne eksplodira, itd.).
Čak i ako ste već izašli iz igre, možete se vratiti kao duh za rundu tijekom faze 'Grad duhova' i pokušati pobijediti!
Ovo prvo proširenje donosi puno više zabave osnovnoj igri, ali pazite što govorite!
Igra koju je dizajnirao Emiliano Sciarra, a distribuira DV Giochi, apsolutni je klasik koji može zasjati na BGA-u sve dok poštujete druge igrače.
Upamtite da možete prijaviti bilo koga tko se nestašno ponaša (izvan opsega fokusa igranja uloga).
Željeli bismo zahvaliti izdavaču kao i dizajneru igre na autorizaciji za pokretanje igre na našoj platformi, kao i na izvanrednom radu koji je KuWizard obavio na razvoju igre za platformu.
Nije tako lako s obzirom na milijune mogućnosti.
To je to za danas!
Hvala na čitanju,
I čekajući srijedu, kao i uvijek, čuvajte se i igrajte pošteno!