- Humankind died out decades ago, leaving behind mere vestiges of its time on Earth. As time went by, nature reclaimed land all over. In this resurgent world, apes have kept evolving. They have been gathering in tribes, growing, mastering human items, and advancing in their quest for knowledge. As the leader of such a tribe, you need to guide it towards collective intelligence.
After Us is a deck-building and resource management game featuring an original and intuitive combo system in which players are each leading a tribe of apes. Starting only with tamarins, they combine their cards each turn to collect resources and gather victory points, attracting new apes into their tribe along the way: powerful gorillas, resourceful orangutans, versatile chimpanzees, and wise mandrills. The first player to obtain 80 points prevails in the race to collective intelligence — and wins the game.
The game shines through its original mechanisms, and that is why you should absolutely try the very short and well made tutorial available by Nekonyancer to know more about it.
Of course, you can check out the rules and start your very first game on the dedicated game page by clicking the link below:
We want to thank the wonderful Catch Up Games team, as well as Florian Sirieix (hey ^^) for their authorization to bring the game online, and of course the wonderful and talented thoun for the development done on BGA.
That's it for today, enjoy your Wednesday Release Time (WRT), and see you next week for another amazing game!
Until then, take care and play fair.
POSLE NAS: Majmunska posla...
Čovječanstvo je izumrlo prije nekoliko desetljeća, ostavljajući za sobom samo ostatke svog vremena na Zemlji.
Kako je vrijeme prolazilo, priroda je posvuda povratila zemlju.
U ovom ponovnom svijetu, majmuni su nastavili evoluirati.
Okupljali su se u plemena, rasli, ovladavali ljudskim stvarima i napredovali u potrazi za znanjem.
Kao vođa takvog plemena, trebate ga voditi prema kolektivnoj inteligenciji.
After Us je igra za izgradnju špila i upravljanje resursima koja sadrži originalni i intuitivni kombinirani sustav u kojem igrači svaki vodi pleme majmuna.
Počevši samo s tamarinima, svaki put kombiniraju svoje karte kako bi prikupili resurse i pobjedničke bodove, usput privlačeći nove majmune u svoje pleme: moćne gorile, snalažljive orangutane, svestrane čimpanze i mudre mandrile.
Prvi igrač koji skupi 80 bodova prevladava u utrci za kolektivnu inteligenciju — i pobjeđuje u igri.
Igra blista kroz svoje izvorne mehanizme, i zato biste trebali isprobati vrlo kratke i dobro napravljene upute koje nudi Nekonyancer kako biste saznali više o njoj.
Naravno, možete provjeriti pravila i započeti svoju prvu igru na namjenskoj stranici igre klikom na poveznicu ispod:
Želimo zahvaliti prekrasnom Catch Up Games timu, kao i Florianu Sirieixu (hej ^^) na njihovom ovlaštenju da postave igru online, i naravno divnoj i talentiranoj tisući za razvoj obavljen na BGA.
To je to za danas, uživajte u svom Wednesday Release Time (WRT) i vidimo se sljedeći tjedan na još jednoj sjajnoj igri!
Do tada, čuvajte se i igrajte pošteno.