**Smarter than you think, easier than you expect...
The Number is an expert mix of mechanics: Bluffing, Risk-taking, but also Guessing (a mechanic that involves anticipating your opponent’s next moves and adapting your strategy accordingly).
First - Choose
Each turn, everyone secretly writes a number from 000 to 999 on their boards, then reveals them at the same time.
2 - Check
Line up the numbers from biggest to smallest and check if your number is approved (it doesn’t share digits with any of the numbers below it) or eliminated (at least one digit in common with any of the numbers below it).
3 - Resolve
If your number is approved, gain as many points as the first digit of your number. Then, you must cross off the digits you used in your number from your board. You will not be able to use them for the rest of the round.
It's so quick you will not be able to decide at first if you like it or not. So the best way to sort this dilemma is to try it a few times online by reaching the game page, available by clicking the link below:
Of course, the page includes a tutorial for you to learn the game simple and ingenious rules.
We cannot thank the Repos Production team enough for their strong efforts to bring this game online, as well as the outstanding work done by Moof to develop it, and of course the authorization from the game designer, Hisashi Hayashi.
That's it for this Monday!
What will come next could also impress you.
More and more novelties are joining BGA each day, thanks to all of you.
See you on Wednesday, and until then, take care and play fair!
BROJ: Dođite do onih koji su još dostupni!
Pametnije nego što mislite, lakše nego što očekujete...
Broj je stručna mješavina mehanike: blefiranje, preuzimanje rizika, ali i pogađanje (mehanika koja uključuje predviđanje sljedećih poteza vašeg protivnika i prilagođavanje vaše strategije u skladu s tim).
Prvo - Odaberite
Svaki potez, svatko potajno ispisuje broj od 000 do 999 na svojim pločama, a zatim ih otkriva u isto vrijeme.
2 - Provjerite
Poravnajte brojeve od najvećeg prema najmanjem i provjerite je li vaš broj odobren (ne dijeli znamenke ni s jednim od brojeva ispod njega) ili eliminiran (barem jedna znamenka zajednička s bilo kojim od brojeva ispod njega).
3 - Riješite
Ako je vaš broj odobren, osvojite onoliko bodova koliko je prva znamenka vašeg broja.
Zatim na ploči morate prekrižiti znamenke koje ste koristili u svom broju.
Nećete ih moći koristiti do kraja runde.
Naravno, stranica uključuje vodič za učenje jednostavnih i genijalnih pravila igre.
Ne možemo dovoljno zahvaliti timu Repos Production za njihove snažne napore da ovu igru postave online, kao i za izvanredan posao koji je obavio Moof da bi je razvio, i naravno autorizaciju od dizajnera igre, Hisashi Hayashi.
To je to za ovaj ponedjeljak!
Ono što će uslijediti moglo bi vas također impresionirati.
Sve više i više noviteta pridružuje se BGA svakim danom, zahvaljujući svima vama.
Vidimo se u srijedu, a do tada čuvajte se i igrajte pošteno!