Expand the land you just inherited along the famous Moon River: corn fields, meadows, forests… Explore the area and locate the best plots of land to harness their valuable resources and help your herds thrive. But the Wild West is ruthless! Beware of outlaws, thieves, and droughts as you expand the most fruitful lands in the country!
In the game, you will build a personal landscape of tiles to score points, but instead of tiling dominoes in your landscape, the game uses half-dominoes in which one edge has a jigsaw puzzle-style connection. You combine two of these half puzzle pieces to craft your own dominoes. This mechanism is meant to provide more variability and randomization in each play.
Instead of building your landscape around a central castle, you start from the river and expand away from it. Also, the crowns (i.e., the victory point multiplier) from Kingdomino are replaced by cow meeples, with players being able to use cowboys to move them.
Whether you like Kingdomino or not, Moon River offers a different feel over the domino-building area. So why not check it by clicking the link below? Games are short and you might discover your new favorite here:
We absolutely need to thank the Blue Orange team for giving their authorization to publish the game on Board Game Arena, but let's not forget that nothing would have been possible without the help of the game designers, Bruno Cathala & Yohan Servais. Love and kudos to them!
Also, nothing would be playable online without the work from a developer, and this adaptation is all up to adrienle38. And that's all thanks to his dedication that you can play Moon River on pretty much any device!
That's it for today!!
**Which game has your preferences? Kingdomino ? QueenDomino? Or Moon River?
**Let us know in the comments... until next week.
Take care and play fair!
MOON RIVER: Kingdomino bez domina. Ili je?
Proširite zemlju koju ste upravo naslijedili uz poznatu Mjesečevu rijeku: polja kukuruza, livade, šume... Istražite područje i pronađite najbolje parcele zemlje kako biste iskoristili njihove vrijedne resurse i pomogli svojim stadima da napreduju.
Ali Divlji zapad je nemilosrdan!
Čuvajte se odmetnika, lopova i suše dok širite najplodnije zemlje u zemlji!
U igri ćete izgraditi osobni krajolik od pločica kako biste osvojili bodove, ali umjesto postavljanja domina u vaš krajolik, igra koristi poludomine u kojima jedan rub ima vezu u stilu slagalice.
Kombinirate dva od ovih poludjelića slagalice da izradite vlastite domine.
Ovaj mehanizam je namijenjen pružanju veće varijabilnosti i nasumičnog odabira u svakoj igri.
Umjesto da svoj krajolik gradite oko središnjeg dvorca, počinjete od rijeke i širite se od nje.
Također, krune (tj. množitelj pobjedničkih bodova) iz Kingdomina zamijenjene su kravljim meeplesima, pri čemu igrači mogu koristiti kauboje da ih pomiču.
Apsolutno trebamo zahvaliti Blue Orange timu na davanju autorizacije za objavljivanje igre na Board Game Arena, ali ne zaboravimo da ništa ne bi bilo moguće bez pomoći dizajnera igre, Bruno Cathala & Yohan Servais. Svaka im čast i slava!
Također, ništa se ne bi moglo igrati online bez rada programera, a ova prilagodba ovisi o adrienle38. I to je sve zahvaljujući njegovoj predanosti da možete igrati Moon River na gotovo svakom uređaju!
To je to za danas!!
Koju igru preferirate? Kingdomino ? KraljicaDomino? Ili Mjesečeva rijeka?
Javite nam u komentarima... do sljedeceg tjedna.
Čuvajte se i igrajte pošteno!