*Not live from Pompeii, this game is all about Romans, Picts, and what would later shape the Great Britain.
When visiting the North of Britannia in 122 AD, the Roman Emperor Hadrian Augustus witnessed the aftermath of war between his armies and the savage Picts. In a show of Roman might, he ordered a wall to be built that would separate the Pict tribes from the rest of England. Grand in its design, the wall stretched 80 Roman miles, from coast to coast. Hadrian's Wall stood in service to the Roman Empire for nearly 300 years before its eventual decline. Today, Hadrian's Wall is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and the remains of the forts, towers, and turrets can still be explored.
In Hadrian's Wall, players take on the role of a Roman General placed in charge of the construction of a milecastle and bordering wall. Over six years (rounds), players will construct their fort and wall, man the defences, and attract civilians by building services and providing entertainment- all while defending the honor of the Roman Empire from the warring Picts. The player who can accumulate the most renown, piety, valor and discipline, whilst avoiding disdain, will prove to the Emperor they are the model Roman citizen and be crowned Legatus Legionis!
The perfect thing for you to discover it is that it does not require a tutorial: you can start a SOLO game whenever you want and then play at 2 to 6 players when you feel like you have mastered the game complexity. Click below to try:
Who allowed this gem of a game that is very well suited for Board Game Arena, and has even won some awards such as the Golden Geek?
It is all up to Garphill Games and their wonderful team, as well as the game designer Bobby Hill, and the development done for the platform by Mistergos.
*As a side note, it is advised that players plan their entire go BEFORE picking their Path Card, until you are happy that you have spent your supplies effectively and end the turn with minimal wastage
If you intend to use the above system, extra supplies are distributed AFTER Path selection, and as such the supplies it says you have may not be all you have to use that turn.*
And... that's it for today!
See you next week, and until then...
Take care and play fair!
HADRIANOV ZID: Još jedna cigla u njemu?
Ne uživo iz Pompeja, ova igra govori o Rimljanima, Piktima i onome što će kasnije oblikovati Veliku Britaniju.
Kada je 122. godine posjetio sjever Britanije, rimski car Hadrijan August svjedočio je posljedicama rata između njegove vojske i divljih Pikta.
U znak rimske moći, naredio je izgradnju zida koji bi odvojio plemena Pict od ostatka Engleske.
Veličanstveni u svom dizajnu, zid se protezao 80 rimskih milja, od obale do obale.
Hadrijanov zid bio je u službi Rimskog Carstva gotovo 300 godina prije njegovog konačnog pada.
Danas je Hadrijanov zid dio svjetske baštine UNESCO-a, a ostaci utvrda, kula i tornjeva još uvijek se mogu istražiti.
U Hadrijanovom zidu igrači preuzimaju ulogu rimskog generala koji je zadužen za izgradnju dvorca od milja i graničnog zida.
Tijekom šest godina (rundi), igrači će izgraditi svoju utvrdu i zid, djelovati u obrani i privući civile gradeći usluge i pružajući zabavu - sve dok će braniti čast Rimskog Carstva od zaraćenih Pikta.
Igrač koji može akumulirati najviše renomea, pobožnosti, hrabrosti i discipline, dok će izbjegavati prezir, dokazat će caru da je uzorni rimski građanin i biti okrunjen Legatus Legionis!
Tko je dopustio ovaj dragulj igre koja je vrlo prikladna za Board Game Arena, a čak je osvojila i neke nagrade kao što je Golden Geek?
Sve je na Garphill Games i njihovom divnom timu, kao i na dizajneru igre Bobbyju Hillu i razvoju koji je za platformu napravio Mistergos.
Kao usporedna napomena, savjetuje se da igrači isplaniraju cijeli svoj potez PRIJE nego što odaberu svoju Path Card, sve dok ne budete sretni da ste učinkovito potrošili svoje zalihe i završite red s minimalnim gubitkom
Ako namjeravate koristiti gore navedeni sustav, dodatne zalihe se distribuiraju NAKON odabira Staze, i kao takve zalihe koje kaže da imate možda nisu sve što imate za korištenje tog skretanja.
I... to je to za danas!
Vidimo se sljedeći tjedan, a do tada...
Čuvajte se i igrajte pošteno!