Whether at work, in the evenings or over the weekend, “fika” is an integral part of Swedish life and is much more than just a coffee break. It’s about making space in your daily life to chat over a hot drink, as you nibble delicious pastries.
In Fika, you are a street café owner trying to outearn your competitor, by skillfully arranging the cards in your own café and manipulating those of your opponent, so that you can be the first to win two rounds.
Each round is made up of 2 phases: You first determine the primary and secondary suit colors for the round, and then you start playing your cards. To play, choose one card from your hand simultaneously and put it face down in front of you. Reveal your chosen card simultaneously. Place cards into your café, respecting the order of initiative, and choose whether to resolve their effects.
At the end of the round, review your café from left to right to see which objectives have been fulfilled. Each card has one objective, which earns you coins if you have that card in your café and you fulfill its requirements. If a Group card has been placed in front of a card, that card’s coin reward is either doubled or tripled, depending on which half of the Group points towards you. Add up all the coins you have earned from your objectives. If you have earned the most coins, you win the round and receive 1 Tip card. If you now have 2 Tip cards, the game ends and you win! Otherwise, set up the next round and continue playing.
Click below to try this game on Board Game Arena right now, but don't forget we have a tutorial included for you to learn how to play it!
All of our thanks go to Fletcheese who developed the game, as well as to the publisher Board Game Circus and, of course, the game designer Kwibus Gamedesign. This adaptation is beautiful and works very well on most devices. You really should treat it as a treat for yourself, after a long day. It's important to take care of yourself!
So that's it for today.
Until Wednesday, take care and... play fair!
FIKA: Slatko jelo od Šveđana!
Bilo na poslu, navečer ili preko vikenda, "fika" je sastavni dio švedskog života i mnogo je više od puke pauze za kavu.
Radi se o stvaranju prostora u vašem svakodnevnom životu za razgovor uz topli napitak, dok grickate slasna peciva.
U igri Fika, vi ste vlasnik uličnog kafića koji pokušava nadmašiti svog konkurenta, vješto slažući karte u vlastitom kafiću i manipulirajući protivnikovim, tako da možete prvi osvojiti dvije runde.
Svaka se runda sastoji od 2 faze: prvo određujete primarnu i sekundarnu boju boje za rundu, a zatim počinjete igrati svoje karte.
Za igru odaberite jednu kartu iz svoje ruke istovremeno i stavite je licem prema dolje ispred sebe.
Otkrijte svoju odabranu kartu istovremeno.
Postavite karte u svoj kafić, poštujući redoslijed inicijative, i odaberite želite li razriješiti njihove učinke.
Na kraju runde pregledajte svoj kafić s lijeva na desno kako biste vidjeli koji su ciljevi ispunjeni.
Svaka kartica ima jedan cilj, koji vam donosi novčiće ako imate tu karticu u svom kafiću i ispunite njezine zahtjeve.
Ako je grupna karta stavljena ispred karte, novčić te kartice se udvostručuje ili utrostručuje, ovisno o tome koja polovica grupe pokazuje prema vama.
Zbrojite sve novčiće koje ste zaradili od svojih ciljeva.
Ako ste zaradili najviše novčića, pobjeđujete u rundi i dobivate 1 karticu s napojnicama.
Ako sada imate 2 kartice savjeta, igra završava i vi pobjeđujete!
U suprotnom, postavite sljedeći krug i nastavite igrati.
Kliknite ispod kako biste isprobali ovu igru na Board Game Arena upravo sada, ali ne zaboravite da imamo tutorial za vas da naučite kako je igrati!
Sve naše zahvale idu Fletcheeseu koji je razvio igru, kao i izdavaču Board Game Circus i, naravno, dizajneru igre Kwibus Gamedesignu.
Ova prilagodba je lijepa i vrlo dobro radi na većini uređaja.
Zaista biste ga trebali tretirati kao poslasticu za sebe, nakon dugog dana.
Važno je brinuti se o sebi!
Do srijede čuvajte se i... Igraj pošteno!