That's it! Winter has come!
That is why we decided to release a LOT of GAMES that were simply waiting for you. Like with the last summer calendar, we're back with the Winter of Games 2023!
31 games, one released every day, for 1 full month.
Releasing 1 or 2 games each week is too weak of a rhythm for us to show off all of the wonderful games we have in stock.
That's why starting from the 1st of December, you will be able to discover ONE new game A DAY.
And by new game, we mean games "that were not OFFICIALLY RELEASED." (Beta or Alpha, we see you. Yes you...)
Everyday, on the right part of the front page (or below the newsfeed if you scroll on mobile) you will see a list of Gift boxes to uncover.
You click on it, it opens and shows the game release of the day.
**That's it.
If you click the newly released game EACH day on this calendar, you will unlock achievements to beautify your account. Unique. Beautiful.
Will you be able to collect them ALL if you miss a single of the 31 days? Nope.
That's a challenge.
It's all up to you.
NB: the calendar is on Paris time (UTC+1). When you click on a gift that's not yet available after opening the gift for today, you see the number of hours remaining till you can open the next one.
The game list is going to be refreshed weekly during the event in this forum post, so you can keep track of the games that have been released.
And that's it. 😉
List of released games:
1st December: Oasis: New Hope
2nd: Gift of Tulips
3rd: Trike
4th: Hanamikoji
5th: Yokai Septet
6th: Biomos
7th: 24/7 The Game!
8th: Diceathlon
9th: Daybreak
10th: Goldblivion
11th: 101: The Match!
12th: Roll into Town
13th: Dog Park
14th: Tiny Epic Defenders
15th:Divide et Impera
16th: Vault
17th: Ticket Gagnant
18th: Envelopes of Cash
19th: Zefiria
20th: Ticket to Ride : Europe
21th: Skate Legend
22th: Kulami
23th: Exit Strategy
24th: 15 Days
25th: Spirits of the Forest
26th: Kmakici
27th: Bag of Chips
28th: Pook
29th: Stock Pile
30th: Megalomania
31th: Cosmos: Empires
That's pretty much it!
Thanks for your time and enjoy your daily gifts 🙂
ZIMA IGARA 2023.: Počinje 1. PROSINCA!
Zato smo odlučili objaviti MNOGO IGARA koje su čekale na vas. Kao i s prošlim ljetnim kalendarom, vraćamo se s Zimskim igrama 2023.!
31 igra, po jedna objavljena svaki dan, 1 puni mjesec.
Izdavanje 1 ili 2 igre svaki tjedan preslab je ritam da bismo mogli pokazati sve divne igre koje imamo na zalihi.
Zato ćete od 1. prosinca moći otkriti JEDNU novu igricu DNEVNO.
A pod novom igrom mislimo na igre "koje nisu SLUŽBENO OBJAVLJENE." (Beta ili Alpha, vidimo se. Da ti...)
Svaki dan, na desnom dijelu naslovnice (ili ispod newsfeeda ako skrolate na mobitelu) vidjet ćete popis poklon kutija koje treba otkriti.
Kliknete na nju, otvori se i prikaže izdanje igre dana.
To je to.
Ako kliknete novoizdanu igru SVAKI dan na ovom kalendaru, otključat ćete postignuća kako biste uljepšali svoj račun. Jedinstvena. Lijep.
Hoćeš li ih moći skupiti SVE ako propustiš jedan od 31 dana? Ne.
To je izazov.
Sve je na tebi.
Napomena: kalendar je po pariškom vremenu (UTC+1). Kada nakon otvaranja poklona za danas kliknete na dar koji još nije dostupan, vidjet ćete broj preostalih sati do otvaranja sljedećeg.
Popis igara osvježavat će se tjedno tijekom događaja u ovom postu na forumu, tako da možete pratiti igre koje su objavljene.
I to je to.
Popis objavljenih igara:
1. prosinca: Oasis: Nova nada
2.: Poklon tulipana
3.: Tricikl
4.: Hanamikoji
5.: TBA
To je otprilike to!
Hvala na vašem vremenu i uživajte u svojim svakodnevnim darovima