The Mandala: the symbol of an ancient and sacred ritual. Colored sand is laid to create a symbolic map of the world before the pattern is ceremonially destroyed and the sand cast into the river.
In the two-player game Mandala, you are trying to score more than your opponent by collecting valuable cards- but you will not know which cards are valuable until well into the game! Over the course of the game, players play their colored cards into the two mandalas, building the central shared mountains and laying cards into their own fields. As soon as a mandala has all six colors, the players take turns choosing the colors in the mountain and adding those cards to their "river" and "cup." At the end of the game, the cards in your cup are worth points based on the position of their colors in that player's river. The player whose cup is worth more points wins.
The linen playmat shows two circular mandalas, with each being divided by a horizontal space (the mountain) to create one "field" for each player. The playmat has seven spaces in front of each player to hold their river of single face-up cards and their cup: the stack of face-down cards which they score at the end of the game.
To begin, each player receives a hand of six cards. Each player receives two random cards face down in their cup, then two random cards are dealt face up into the central mountain strip of each mandala.
On your turn, you may play either a single card into one of mountains, or one or more matching cards into one of your fields. All cards played into a mandala must follow the "Rule of Color": Once a color has been played into one of the three areas of a mandala, then later cards of the same color can be played only into that same area. Thus, once your opponent has played red cards into their field, you can no longer play red cards in your field, and neither you nor your opponent can play red cards into the central mountain. If you played a card into a mountain, draw three new cards from the deck at the end of your turn; if you played cards into one of your fields, do not draw new cards.
A mandala is completed once it contains all six colors of cards. When this happens, the players "destroy" the mandala, taking turns to choose a color present in the mountain and claim all cards of that color. Whoever played more cards in their field chooses first; if tied, the player who did not complete the mandala chooses first. The first time you claim cards of a specific color, lay one of these cards in the lowest-valued empty space in your river, then place the rest into your cup. The spaces in your river are valued 1-6 in order, so cards of the first color you claim will be worth 1 point each, cards of the second color you claim worth 2 points each, and so on.
Once a mandala has been destroyed and all the colors in the mountain claimed, cards played in the fields are discarded, two new cards are dealt face up into the mountain, and the game continues.
The end of the game is triggered either when the deck is exhausted or when one player adds a sixth color to their river. Both players then tally the value of all the cards in their cup, based on the position of the colors in their river, and whoever has the higher score wins!
You can learn to play it through our tutorial, or simply by reaching the dedicated game page and start a game:
Developed by Sir Heo, we would love to thank him for bringing this game to the platform, as well as the game designers Trevor Benjamin and Brett J. Gilbert. Of course, no games without a publisher, and this title is, again, available thanks to the Lookout Games team!
Send mandalas of appreciation!
That's it for this week. But be prepared, more amazing titles are coming your way!
And for those who are interested in our workforce, please welcome two new Admins to the BGA Staff to reinforce our team, strengthen, and improve (there's so much to do):
Thoun & Lymon Flowers!
They're now part of our team and we wish them a warm welcome. Send some love :)
That's it for today. As always...
Take care and play fair!
MANDALA: Više od bojanke!
- Mandala: simbol drevnog i svetog rituala. Obojeni pijesak polaže se kako bi se stvorila simbolična karta svijeta prije nego što se uzorak ceremonijalno uništi i pijesak baci u rijeku.*
U igri za dva igrača Mandala, pokušavate postići više od svog protivnika skupljajući vrijedne karte - ali nećete znati koje su karte vrijedne dok ne uđete duboko u igru! Tijekom igre, igrači igraju svoje obojene karte u dvije mandale, gradeći središnje zajedničke planine i polažući karte u vlastita polja. Čim mandala ima svih šest boja, igrači naizmjence biraju boje u planini i dodaju te karte u svoju "rijeku" i "šalju". Na kraju igre, karte u vašoj šalici vrijede bodove na temelju položaja njihovih boja u rijeci tog igrača. Pobjeđuje igrač čija čaša ima više bodova.
Lanena podloga za igru prikazuje dvije kružne mandale, od kojih je svaka podijeljena horizontalnim prostorom (planinom) kako bi se stvorilo jedno "polje" za svakog igrača. Podloga za igranje ima sedam prostora ispred svakog igrača za držanje njihove rijeke pojedinačnih otvorenih karata i njihove čaše: hrpe licem okrenutih karata koje poentiraju na kraju igre.
Za početak, svaki igrač dobiva ruku od šest karata. Svaki igrač prima dvije nasumične karte licem prema dolje u svoju šalicu, zatim se dvije nasumične karte dijele licem prema gore u središnju planinsku traku svake mandale.
Na svom potezu možete odigrati ili jednu kartu u jednu od planina ili jednu ili više odgovarajućih karata u jedno od vaših polja. Sve karte koje se igraju u mandalu moraju slijediti "Pravilo boje": Jednom kada se igra jednom bojom u jednom od tri područja mandale, kasnije se karte iste boje mogu igrati samo u tom istom području. Dakle, nakon što vaš protivnik odigra crveni karton u svom polju, vi više ne možete igrati crveni karton u svom polju, a ni vi ni vaš protivnik ne možete igrati crveni karton u središnjoj planini. Ako ste igrali kartu u planinu, izvucite tri nove karte iz špila na kraju vašeg poteza; ako ste igrali karte u jedno od svojih polja, nemojte izvlačiti nove karte.
Mandala je dovršena kada sadrži svih šest boja karata. Kada se to dogodi, igrači "uništavaju" mandalu, naizmjenično odabiru boju prisutnu u planini i preuzimaju sve karte te boje. Tko je odigrao više karata u svom polju, bira prvi; ako je izjednačeno, prvi bira igrač koji nije dovršio mandalu. Prvi put kada zatražite karte određene boje, položite jednu od tih karata u prazan prostor s najnižom vrijednošću u svojoj rijeci, a zatim stavite ostatak u svoju šalicu. Mjesta u vašoj rijeci vrednuju se redom od 1-6, tako da karte prve boje za koje tvrdite da će vrijediti po 1 bod, karte druge boje za koje tvrdite da vrijede 2 boda, i tako dalje.
Nakon što je mandala uništena i sve boje na planini zauzete, karte igrane u poljima se odbacuju, dvije nove karte se dijele licem prema gore u planinu i igra se nastavlja.
Kraj igre se pokreće ili kada se špil potroši ili kada jedan igrač doda šestu boju svojoj rijeci. Oba igrača zatim zbrajaju vrijednost svih karata u svojoj čaši, na temelju položaja boja u njihovoj rijeci, i onaj tko ima veći rezultat pobjeđuje!
Možete je naučiti igrati kroz naš vodič ili jednostavno tako da dođete do namjenske stranice igre i započnete igru:
Razvio ju je Sir Heo, želimo mu zahvaliti što je donio ovu igru na platformu, kao i dizajnerima igre Trevor Benjamin i Brett J. Gilbert. Naravno, nema igara bez izdavača, i ovaj je naslov ponovno dostupan zahvaljujući Lookout Games timu!
Šaljite mandale zahvalnosti!
To je to za ovaj tjedan. Ali budite spremni, stižu vam još nevjerojatnih naslova!
A za one koji su zainteresirani za našu radnu snagu, poželite dobrodošlicu dvama novim administratorima u BGA osoblje kako bi ojačali naš tim, ojačali ga i poboljšali (ima toliko toga za učiniti):
Thoun & Lymon Flowers!
Sada su dio našeg tima i želimo im toplu dobrodošlicu. Pošalji malo ljubavi :)
To je to za danas. Kao uvijek...
Čuvajte se i igrajte pošteno!