In Mountain Goats you work to move your goats to the top of 6 different mountains where they can score points as long as they stay there. You can share spaces with other goats on the way up, but there is only room for one goat at the top of each mountain. If someone else's goat moves to the mountain top, they will kick you off and you will have to start your trek over.
It is a game about timing. You need to not just get to the top of the mountain, but get there when no one else is in position to knock you off.
It is also a game about keeping your eye on your opponents. Maximizing your score, but also making sure you do not let anyone else score too much.
There is the fun chance to knock each other off the mountain. But it does not feel too mean because you can only knock back goats that are in a scoring position, and it is not a huge setback. It is just a normal part of the cycle of the game.
Curious? Yes you are! Click below to know more and start a game right from your browser:
Let us thank Allplay publishing, as well as Stefan Risthaus for their authorization to bring this game to the platform, and celebrate the work done by pasko92 to make it work flawlessly: it's a cool game to play on mobile devices!
That's it for today!
Where are you in our SUMMER CALENDAR challenge?
Already got a trophy? Or two?
There's 15 more days to try it right from the front page.
Thanks for your time, and as always, take care and play fair!
MOUNTAIN GOATS: Najveća koza od svih titula!
U igri Mountain Goats radite na premještanju svojih koza na vrh 6 različitih planina gdje mogu osvajati bodove sve dok tamo ostanu. Možete dijeliti prostor s drugim kozama na putu prema gore, ali na vrhu svake planine ima mjesta samo za jednu kozu. Ako se tuđa koza preseli na vrh planine, izbacit će vas i morat ćete započeti svoje putovanje ispočetka.
To je igra o mjerenju vremena. Ne morate samo doći do vrha planine, već doći tamo kada nitko drugi nije u poziciji da vas obori.
To je također igra o držanju protivnika na oku. Povećajte svoj rezultat, ali također pazite da ne dopustite da netko drugi postigne previše.
Postoji zabavna prilika da oborite jedno drugo s planine. Ali to ne djeluje previše zlobno jer možete zakucati samo jarce koji su u poziciji za bodovanje, a to nije veliki neuspjeh. To je samo normalan dio ciklusa igre.
Znatiželjan? Da jesi! Kliknite ispod da biste saznali više i pokrenuli igru izravno iz svog preglednika:
Zahvalimo izdavaštvu Allplay, kao i Stefanu Risthausu na njihovom autoriziranju da ovu igru prenesu na platformu, i proslavimo posao koji je obavio pasko92 kako bi funkcionirala besprijekorno: to je super igra za igranje na mobilnim uređajima!
To je to za danas!
Gdje ste u našem izazovu LJETNI KALENDAR?
Već imate trofej? Ili dva?
Ima još 15 dana da ga isprobate s prve stranice.
Hvala na vašem vremenu, i kao i uvijek, čuvajte se i igrajte pošteno!