1999, Spiel Des Jahres ceremony award. Tikal got not only the nomination, but also the very coveted award. And for a good reason!
25 years later, you can still discover it in its latest design and graphic upgrades.
But what is it?
Tikal is a game of exploration within the Central American jungles in search of lost temples and the treasures within. Players send their team of explorers into the jungle, exposing more and more of the terrain. Along the way, you find temples that require further discovery and offer more treasure. Players attempt to score points for occupying temples and holding onto treasure.
Tikal has survived longer than most the members of my gaming group, probably because it combines a bit of "take that" and "euro player interaction" in a delightful way.
There is a lot of strategy involved in how you signal to other players whether or not you will fight to score points at a temple vs bluffing disinterest so that other players will improve the temple and you can swoop in.
This game has held up very well over twenty years, and we hope everybody will enjoy it for the next twenty to come.
Playable from 2 to 4 players in close to an hour in real-time mode, you can learn the rules in a few minutes with the help of the amazing included tutorial by Nekonyancer, or simply by clicking the link below:
Let's celebrate the amazing work done by Sir Heo to develop this game for our platform, all with the combined help from the publisher Super Meeple as well as the game designers: Michael Kiesling and Wolfgang Kramer.
That's it for this Wednesday Release Time!
Let us know if you enjoyed the latest releases as much as we do.
More surprises will come, but until then...
Take care and play fair!
TIKAL: Dobro došli (opet) u džunglu!
1999., svečana dodjela Spiel Des Jahres. Tikal je dobio ne samo nominaciju, već i vrlo željenu nagradu. I to s dobrim razlogom!
25 godina kasnije, još uvijek ga možete otkriti u njegovom najnovijem dizajnu i grafičkim nadogradnjama.
Ali što je to?
Tikal je igra istraživanja srednjoameričkih džungli u potrazi za izgubljenim hramovima i blagom u njima. Igrači šalju svoj tim istraživača u džunglu, otkrivajući sve više i više terena. Na putu ćete pronaći hramove koji zahtijevaju daljnje otkrivanje i koji nude više blaga. Igrači pokušavaju osvojiti bodove zauzimanjem hramova i držanjem blaga.
Tikal je preživio dulje od većine članova moje igračke grupe, vjerojatno zato što na divan način kombinira malo "uzmi to" i "interakciju euro igrača".
Puno je strategija uključeno u način na koji signalizirate drugim igračima hoćete li se boriti za bodove u hramu ili nećete naspram blefiranja nezainteresiranosti kako bi drugi igrači poboljšali hram i vi mogli upasti.
Ova se igra vrlo dobro zadržala tijekom dvadeset godina i nadamo se da će svi uživati u njoj sljedećih dvadeset godina.
Može se igrati od 2 do 4 igrača u skoro sat vremena u stvarnom vremenu, možete [ naučiti pravila u nekoliko minuta uz pomoć nevjerojatnog uključenog vodiča Nekonyancera ](https://boardgamearena.com/tutorial?game =tikal) , ili jednostavno klikom na poveznicu ispod:
Proslavimo nevjerojatan posao koji je obavio Sir Heo na razvoju ove igre za našu platformu, a sve uz zajedničku pomoć izdavača Super Meeple kao i dizajnera igre: *Michael Kiesling i Wolfgang Kramer *.
To je to za ovu srijedu!
Javite nam jeste li uživali u najnovijim izdanjima koliko i mi.
Doći će još iznenađenja, ali do tada...
Čuvajte se i igrajte pošteno!