With three games being released today, all published by Mandoo, it is up to you to decide which one is the best for your gaming time!
Van Gogh and Gauguin debate what is important for drawing. It is a very special climbing game for two players. You must play one card from the elements that have not yet been played this trick among the four elements: money, inspiration, passion, and skill. If the value of that element is low, you must play additional cards to increase its value before playing one card. The player who goes out first scores the last card played and wins the round. Win the game by winning three rounds first or by scoring the same element twice.
Ready to play as a famous painter? This game, designed by Geonil, is available for you! Join a game right now by clicking the link to the game page:
Capybaras love to eat pumpkins. You will need the help of the baby monkey walking above to pick up the pumpkins that the capybaras like to eat. You, the players, play as capybara bosses, aiming to line up your capybaras well to earn lots of pumpkins!
In Capybara, you will form a line of capybaras to score Pumpkin cards. You will move the baby monkey above the row of capybaras to carry out different actions. You gain Capybara cards by moving the baby monkey forward to the left, gaining capybaras for the number of spaces moved.
You can also score Pumpkin cards by forming a row of capybaras that meet the Pumpkin scoring conditions, moving the monkey to the left to score them.
Fond of capybaras? You can try this game by Hisashi Hayashi right now from your browser:
Hungry giraffes gather under apple trees, all craving apples!
You lead a herd of them to gather fruit... but you always have to go higher and higher until you cannot anymore!
In this game, you must play cards or spend Apple tokens and if you cannot, you are the sole loser of the game. Be sure to lead your herd to the right trees!
Another game by Hisashi Hayashi that you can join by gently typing the link below:
That's it for this Mandoo day release!
We would like to fondly thanks the Mandoo team as well as for Moof, the developer who adapted all of these games for Board Game Arena.
Enjoy the games, let us know which one you prefer, and as always...
Take care and play fair!
S tri igre koje su danas objavljene, sve u izdanju Mandooa, na vama je da odlučite koja je najbolja za vaše vrijeme igranja!
Van Gogh i Gauguin raspravljaju o tome što je važno za crtanje. To je vrlo posebna igra penjanja za dva igrača. Morate odigrati jednu kartu od elemenata koji još nisu igrani ovaj trik među četiri elementa: novac, inspiracija, strast i vještina. Ako je vrijednost tog elementa niska, morate odigrati dodatne karte kako biste povećali njegovu vrijednost prije igranja jedne karte. Igrač koji prvi izađe pogađa posljednju odigranu kartu i pobjeđuje u rundi. Pobijedite u igri tako što ćete najprije pobijediti u tri runde ili dvaput osvojiti isti element.
Jeste li spremni igrati kao slavni slikar? Ova igra, koju je dizajnirao Geonil, dostupna je za vas! Pridružite se igri upravo sada klikom na poveznicu na stranicu igre:
Kapibare vole jesti bundeve. Trebat će vam pomoć bebe majmuna koja hoda iznad da pokupite bundeve koje kapibare vole jesti. Vi, igrači, igrate kao šefovi kapibara, s ciljem da dobro posložite svoje kapibare kako biste zaradili mnogo bundeva!
U igri Capybara formirat ćete red kapibara da biste osvojili Pumpkin karte. Premjestit ćete bebu majmuna iznad reda kapibara kako biste izvršili različite radnje. Karte Capybara dobivate pomicanjem bebe majmuna naprijed ulijevo, dobivajući capybare za broj pomaknutih mjesta.
Karte Bundeva također možete postići formiranjem niza kapibara koje zadovoljavaju uvjete bodovanja Bundeve, pomicanjem majmuna ulijevo da ih postigne.
Volite kapibare? Možete isprobati ovu igru Hisashi Hayashija upravo sada iz vašeg preglednika:
https://boardgamearena.com/gamepanel?game=capybarancapybara https://boardgamearena.com/gamepanel?game=capybarancapybara
Gladne žirafe okupljaju se pod stablima jabuka, sve su željne jabuka!
Vodite krdo njih da skupljaju plodove... ali uvijek morate ići sve više i više dok više ne možete!
U ovoj igri morate igrati karte ili potrošiti Apple žetone, a ako ne možete, jedini ste gubitnik igre. Vodite svoje stado do pravih stabala!
</u> Još jedna igra Hisashi Hayashija kojoj se možete pridružiti laganim upisivanjem poveznice ispod:
To je to za ovo izdanje Mandoo dana!
Željeli bismo zahvaliti Mandoo timu kao i Moof, razvojnom programeru koji je prilagodio sve ove igre za Board Game Arena.
Uživajte u igrama, javite nam koja vam se više sviđa, i kao i uvijek...
Čuvajte se i igrajte pošteno!