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Konfiguracija stola

Mod partiје
Normalan mod
Brzina partije
U stvarnom vremenu - Brza igra
Tip igrе
Play with the Abundance Expansion
Mod igrе
Advanced game with 4 starting choices for Island, Climate and Ecosystem cards
Setup Card Visibility
Show Island, Climate and Ecosystem cards as soon as they are choosen
Score Visibility
Hidden and revealed at game end
Hide players score and ecosystem progress. Revealed when the game ends.

2 min

prosječno vrijeme čekanja

Rezultati partije

Binga-Binga (Priјava problеma) [creator]
213 (2)
+3   ->  

davidzahn6 (Priјava problеma) [creator]
169 (1)
+0   ->  


Postani Premium kako bi vidio statistiku igre!

Trajanje igre
Igračeva prosječna razina
Srednji rezultat
Nb Rundе
Rezultati partije 1. (213)2-i (169)
Vrijeme za razmišljanje masked minmasked min
VP Total maskedmasked
VP from Tableau Cards maskedmasked
Nb Tableau Cards maskedmasked
VP from Event Cards maskedmasked
Nb Kartе dogadјaјa maskedmasked
VP from Compost maskedmasked
Nb Kartе komposta maskedmasked
VP from Sprouts maskedmasked
Nb Sprouts maskedmasked
VP from Growth and Canopies maskedmasked
Nb Growth and Canopies maskedmasked
Nb Canopies maskedmasked
VP from Terrain Cards maskedmasked
Nb Terrain Cards maskedmasked
VP from Player Ecosystem Card maskedmasked
VP from First Ecosystem Card maskedmasked
VP from Second Ecosystem Card maskedmasked
VP Total for Ecosystem Cards maskedmasked
VP from Fauna Cards maskedmasked
VP from Tableau Bonus maskedmasked
VP Total for Fauna Board maskedmasked
Nb Cards in Hand at game end maskedmasked
Nb Soil in reserve at game end maskedmasked
Nb times choose Plant action maskedmasked
Nb times choose Compost action maskedmasked
Nb times choose Water action maskedmasked
Nb times choose Grow action maskedmasked
Nb Cards drawn in total maskedmasked
Nb Cards composted in total maskedmasked
Nb Soil gained in total maskedmasked
Nb Cards discarded (paid) from compost maskedmasked
Nb Sprouts placed in total maskedmasked
Nb Sprouts discarded (paid) in total maskedmasked
Nb Sprouts converted in total maskedmasked
Nb Growth placed in total maskedmasked
Nb Growth discarded (paid) in total maskedmasked
Nb Seeds gained in total (Abundance) maskedmasked
Nb Leafs converted to Seeds in total (Abundance) maskedmasked
Nb Germinate action in total (Abundance) maskedmasked
Nb Sprouts placed on board by the player (Abundance) maskedmasked
Nb Sprouts placed on board by the other players (Abundance) maskedmasked
Nb Sprouts placed in Tableau from the board (Abundance) maskedmasked
Solo: Gaia VP Total maskedmasked
Solo: Gaia VP from Earth Cards maskedmasked
Solo: Gaia Nb Earth Cards maskedmasked
Solo: Gaia VP from Compost maskedmasked
Solo: Gaia Nb Compost maskedmasked
Solo: Gaia VP from Sprouts maskedmasked
Solo: Gaia Nb Sprouts maskedmasked
Solo: Gaia VP from Growth maskedmasked
Solo: Gaia Nb Growth and Canopies maskedmasked
Solo: Gaia Nb Canopies maskedmasked
Solo: Gaia VP from Fauna Cards maskedmasked
Solo: Gaia VP from Tableau Bonus maskedmasked
Solo: Gaia VP Total for Fauna Board maskedmasked
Solo: Gaia Nb Soil in reserve at game end maskedmasked
Sve statistike
Binga-Binga statistika u ovoj igri
davidzahn6 statistika u ovoj igri

Konfiguracija stola

Mod partiје
Normalan mod
Brzina partije
U stvarnom vremenu - Brza igra
+ 0:33 po krugu (maksimalno 2:39 )
Tip igrе
Play with the Abundance Expansion
Mod igrе
Advanced game with 4 starting choices for Island, Climate and Ecosystem cards
Setup Card Visibility
Show Island, Climate and Ecosystem cards as soon as they are choosen
Score Visibility
Hidden and revealed at game end
Hide players score and ecosystem progress. Revealed when the game ends.

Igrači koji su trenutno oko ovog stola

Informacije o igri

Kako igrati?

Objavio :


Razvio: :


verzija :


HVALA : Vi ste jedan od naših najvjernijih igrača!
Dobiјtе naјboljе od Board Gamе Arеnе za samo $5 / mjesec.