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Konfiguracija stola

Mod partiје
Normalan mod
Brzina partije
Brzo potezna • 24 poteza po danu
Vrijеmе igranja
11:00 → 23:00
map option
Avenia: home to the capital city of Tigomé, this province is known for its many villages and cities filled with friendly people. The large central island features rolling hills dotted with spires of stone, and the surrounding lands have many bays and narrow straits. special rules: A “land” is an area of terrain spaces isolated by sea, the border of the map, or both. Some goals refer to lands.
display scores
not hidden scoring
play with others players shown scoring

1 min

prosječno vrijeme čekanja

Rezultati partije

Konfiguracija stola

Mod partiје
Normalan mod
Brzina partije
Brzo potezna • 24 poteza po danu
+ 30:00 po krugu (maksimalno 12h00 )
Vrijеmе igranja
11:00 → 23:00
map option
Avenia: home to the capital city of Tigomé, this province is known for its many villages and cities filled with friendly people. The large central island features rolling hills dotted with spires of stone, and the surrounding lands have many bays and narrow straits. special rules: A “land” is an area of terrain spaces isolated by sea, the border of the map, or both. Some goals refer to lands.
display scores
not hidden scoring
play with others players shown scoring

Igrači koji su trenutno oko ovog stola

Informacije o igri

Kako igrati?

Objavio :


Razvio: :

darhf, BoucleMed

verzija :


HVALA : Vi ste jedan od naših najvjernijih igrača!
Dobiјtе naјboljе od Board Gamе Arеnе za samo $5 / mjesec.