Partija je završena
Upravo ćeš igrati s stvarni protivnici
Partija ove igre će trajati otprilike 26 mn
Klikanje na "prihvaćam" je obvezivanje na igranje ove igre do samog kraja.
Vrijeme za razmišljanje : + 0:09 po krugu (maksimalno 1:27 )
Privrеmeni ili traјni odlazak sa ovog stola u toku igrе ćе uticati na vašu rеputaciјu i otеžati da pronadје partnеrе za igru u budućnosti.
Trajanje igre: 26 mn
Konfiguracija stola
Add a Joker which can be used as the strongest single or a wild.
A player who plays the same combination of the same rank as the previous play skips the next person who would have played.
A players went out by playing 2 when card ranks are normal or 3 when card ranks are reversed, or the Joker (even as a wild card), is disqualified and is ranked the lowest. If several players are disqualified by this rule in the same round, the player who went out later is ranked higher.
If the President fails to get the first place, the player is disqualified immediately and is ranked the lowest unless someone else is disqualified by illegal finish.
From the second round, the lowest ranked player plays first.
Igrači za ovim stolom
(2,3 može igrati, ali to nije najbolji broj za ovu igru)
Broj igrača : 4 Želim između 4 i 4 Igrači
Ograničiti po nivou
Početnici Pripravnici Prosječni igrači Dobri igrači Jaki igrači Stručnjaci MajstoriOgraničiti po ugledu
Ograniči na grupu
Ograniči na jezik
Pozovi prijatelja ili pozovi:
4 min
prosječno vrijeme čekanja
Dostupni igrači s president u svojim favoritima

Rezultati partije
Konfiguracija stola
Add a Joker which can be used as the strongest single or a wild.
A player who plays the same combination of the same rank as the previous play skips the next person who would have played.
A players went out by playing 2 when card ranks are normal or 3 when card ranks are reversed, or the Joker (even as a wild card), is disqualified and is ranked the lowest. If several players are disqualified by this rule in the same round, the player who went out later is ranked higher.
If the President fails to get the first place, the player is disqualified immediately and is ranked the lowest unless someone else is disqualified by illegal finish.
From the second round, the lowest ranked player plays first.