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ruhr_displayed izvještaji
#13621: "Game sticks at Loading Game Art 10%"
fixed: Bug popravljen
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Detaljan opis
• Šta је prikazano na еkranu kada stе bili blokirani (Prazan еkran? Dio intеrfејsa igrе? Poruka o grеšci?)
Loading Game Art 10%• Koјi је tvoј prеtraživač?
Opera 63.0.3368.94
Prijavite povijest
mortis316uk • Razvojni programeri još nisu reproducirali ovaj bug:
1. lis 2019. 0:51 • Had clicked to time out player as 6 days overdue taking move - game then hung on reload and will not go any further - now wondering if other player had this bug too.
DrKarotte • Ovaj bug je duplikat drugog buga:
25. lis 2019. 0:09 • This is a duplicate of a bug report (most likely some problems with multiple loans and emergency loans). The bug might be fixed now, but blocked tables are still stuck.
mortis316uk • Ovaj bug je duplikat drugog buga:
26. lis 2019. 23:33 • Can the game be cancelled as it is still inaccessible to me and is taking an active game slot.
DrKarotte • Bug potvrđen od strane razvojnog tima:
27. lis 2019. 8:47 • Sorry, this was another bug, more precisely: it IS another bug, as I have detected the problem and unlocked the table, but cannot see how this could happen (it must have been a problem with moving a white coal die from the track to the board, and after this the die "got lost in nirvana".
DrKarotte • Bug potvrđen od strane razvojnog tima:
27. lis 2019. 18:42 •
27. stu 2019. 22:02 • The table getting stuck was most likely caused by a bad zombie player management in a certain case; I have improved that.
Dodaj nešto ovom izvješću
Dodajte ovdje sve što je relevantno kako bismo reproducirali ovaj bug ili razumjeli vaš prijedlog:
- Drugi stol / potez
- Je li problem rješen pritiskom na F5?
- Da li se problem pojavio više puta? Uvijek? Nasumično?
- Ako imaš print screen ove greške (dobra praksa), možeš da koristiš da bi je okačio, a zatim iskopiraj link ovde.