#136341: "Could not play legendary without improvised summoning after playing Possessed Summoner"
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• Koji ste potez htjeli učiniti?
Around move 373, I wanted to summon a Bone Catapult using the green player’s pieces.• Što ste pokušali učiniti kad ste pokrenuli ovu akciju u igri?
I played a Possessed Summoner, placed a common green piece, and discarded a flare, then tried to play my Bone Catapult on R5C7.• Šta sе dogodilo kada stе to pokušali (poruka o grеški, poruka statusnе trakе igrе, ...)?
The game required me to use an improvised summoning in blue to play the piece, despite the full pattern existing in the green pieces. I was able to summon the Bone Catapult in a different location (R6C6) using only green pieces, but that isn’t where I wanted to play it.• Koјi је tvoј prеtraživač?
Safari v17.6
Prijavite povijest
(which I did not find the time to fix, admittedly)
Thanks for the detailed report though!
Dodaj nešto ovom izvješću
- Drugi stol / potez
- Je li problem rješen pritiskom na F5?
- Da li se problem pojavio više puta? Uvijek? Nasumično?
- Ako imaš print screen ove greške (dobra praksa), možeš da koristiš Imgur.com da bi je okačio, a zatim iskopiraj link ovde.