#142252: "Game was finished but required winner to quit / lose"
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Detaljan opis
• U kojem trenutku tokom igre se problem pojavio (što si iduće trebao učiniti)?
The game had finished, but BGA still said it was ongoing. My opponent, who had won, had to quit in order to exit, costing them their victory.• Šta sе dogodilo kada stе pokušali izvršiti akciјu igrе (poruka o grеški, poruka statusnе trakе igrе, ...)?
The page was still on the final screen suggesting I could return to main page, play again, or suggest a rematch. When I tried to start a new game it told me I already had one going on, and it returned me to the same page, stating that my opponent had quit (after they had already won).• Koјi је tvoј prеtraživač?
Google Chrome v129
Prijavite povijest
J'ai eu le même problème sur ma dernière partie. J'avais normalement terminé, plus de cartes en main, mais je devais continuer à piocher une carte et la rejeter. A un moment j'ai pu placer une carte dans le jeu, mais plus de carte à rejeter, impossible de faire quoi que ce soit. Le temps passait, j'ai été évincée du jeu. J'ai été pénalisée au niveau du karma et j'ai perdu des points. Merci de corriger ce bug.
Dodaj nešto ovom izvješću
- Drugi stol / potez
- Je li problem rješen pritiskom na F5?
- Da li se problem pojavio više puta? Uvijek? Nasumično?
- Ako imaš print screen ove greške (dobra praksa), možeš da koristiš Imgur.com da bi je okačio, a zatim iskopiraj link ovde.