#149396: "Unable to tend 2nd strawberry"
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• Koji ste potez htjeli učiniti?
I don't get why i can't place a strawberry in the 1 slot under my current strawberry's.
• Što ste pokušali učiniti kad ste pokrenuli ovu akciju u igri?
FIeld action, plant then tend• Šta sе dogodilo kada stе to pokušali (poruka o grеški, poruka statusnе trakе igrе, ...)?
A green box appeard around the 4 square that the pumpkin was in, not able to select the 1x1• Koјi је tvoј prеtraživač?
Mozilla v5
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tried to plant(through tending) a strawberry under strawberries, beside pumpkins. Wasn't allowed.
The very next turn I could now plant a strawberry in the same slot.
What move number is this?
Table #598386162
Move #162
It did let me confirm after clicking, so maybe it's just an invisible strawberry. I'll know when I harvest. It'll be 50 points if the strawberry isn't there, and 51 if it is.
- tankbard reported the wrong table number
- That said, I did find a visual glitch when attempting to place a strawberry in the upper left (empty) corner of the 2x2 cell containing a pumpkin that was tended/planted at the same time. I'm fairly sure this is the bug as originally reported. If there are still issues around tending strawberries, please open a new ticket.
Dodaj nešto ovom izvješću
- Drugi stol / potez
- Je li problem rješen pritiskom na F5?
- Da li se problem pojavio više puta? Uvijek? Nasumično?
- Ako imaš print screen ove greške (dobra praksa), možeš da koristiš Imgur.com da bi je okačio, a zatim iskopiraj link ovde.