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fiftyfirststate_displayed izvještaji
#159068: "Add undo support during the card selection phase"
acknowledged: Razvojni programeri se slažu da je to dobra ideja i radit će na tome
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Thanks for implementing a great undo system into this digital implementation of 51st State, it's been working well for me. I noticed you cannot undo during the card selection phase. Misclicks can happen and I noticed that this part of the game does not allow me to undo and/or confirm the selection before proceeding. Could a confirmation step be added during the card selection phase?• Koјi је tvoј prеtraživač?
Google Chrome v133
Prijavite povijest
TheInquisitor • Dеvеlopеri јoš uvеk nisu analizirali ovaј prеdlog:
23. velj 2025. 10:53 • Thank you for considering this suggestion and for bringing this game to BGA.
KuWizard • Razvojni programeri žele više informacija o tom prijedlogu:
23. velj 2025. 11:25 • I can easily add a confirmation button. Would that be ok?
I don't see any other undo here just because it's an atomic action
I don't see any other undo here just because it's an atomic action
TheInquisitor • Razvojni programeri žele više informacija o tom prijedlogu:
23. velj 2025. 11:28 • Oh yeah, I see what you mean now. Indeed, there is nothing to "rollback" in this case. Just a confirmation button prior to committing to the change would work me. Thanks!
KuWizard • Razvojni programeri se slažu da je to dobra ideja i radit će na tome:
23. velj 2025. 11:36 • Sure, that's to be done then
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