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tashkalar_displayed izvještaji
#20484: "Text of cards not in game log"
acknowledged: Razvojni programeri se slažu da je to dobra ideja i radit će na tome
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Detaljan opis
• Objasnite svoj prijedlog precizno i sažeto kako bismo što lakše shvatili na što mislite.
In turn-based games, you don't see the text of the cards that are played in the game log - only the formation that was used. Because of this you can't actually follow what your opponents did - even by replaying the turn, it goes too fast. Showing the entire card in the game log would EASILY fix this.• Koјi је tvoј prеtraživač?
Google Chrome v83
Prijavite povijest
8. srp 2020. 15:30 •
Quinarbre • Razvojni programeri se slažu da je to dobra ideja i radit će na tome:
9. srp 2020. 16:48 • 1. No need to yell EASILY.
2. The game was coded before turn-based play was introduced on BGA, so it was designed with real-time in mind.
3. Not everyone speaks English, so if I show the card I also need to show the whole translated text, which represents significantly more work and more data to fetch from the server.
4. BGA is crowd-sourced, so you're welcome to submit a pull request.
2. The game was coded before turn-based play was introduced on BGA, so it was designed with real-time in mind.
3. Not everyone speaks English, so if I show the card I also need to show the whole translated text, which represents significantly more work and more data to fetch from the server.
4. BGA is crowd-sourced, so you're welcome to submit a pull request.
mythofsisyphus82 • Razvojni programeri se slažu da je to dobra ideja i radit će na tome:
9. srp 2020. 17:13 • I'm sorry about how the text was perceived, and really appreciate your work. How could I help with a pull request?
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