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Lost Ruins of Arnak izvještaji
#38713: "Star Charts didn't error out and didn't let me complete the action"
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I played star charts and clicked on a level 1 site, nothing happened which is what should occur. I then clicked on a camp site, and my turn ended. It did not give me an error for clicking on a level 1 site, and it did not allow me to click a second camp site.• Da li je kršenje pravila vidljivo na ponovljenom snimku igre? Ako je odgovor da, na kom broju poteza?
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Mozilla v5
Prijavite povijest
12. tra 2021. 21:01 •
TAdams_18 • Razvojni programeri još nisu reproducirali ovaj bug:
12. tra 2021. 21:18 • Upon viewing the replay, there was an error, though I didn't see it popup when it happened in real time:
Server syntax error:
Sorry, an unexpected error has occurred...
This game action is impossible right now
Server syntax error:
Sorry, an unexpected error has occurred...
This game action is impossible right now
Dresden1066 • Razvojni programeri još nisu reproducirali ovaj bug:
15. lip 2021. 13:43 • Table #175692440
Move #285
Same error occured - star charts didnt activate the 2 different sites and couldnt be reversed via "undo".
Move #285
Same error occured - star charts didnt activate the 2 different sites and couldnt be reversed via "undo".
eljayoh • Razvojni programeri još nisu reproducirali ovaj bug:
2. srp 2021. 2:41 • I wanted to report this happened to me today. I hose two different revealed dig sites instead of camp sites, and the game accepted those as actions and completed my turn automatically, but I received nothing.
Table link:
Chrome Version 91.0.4472.114 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Table link:
Chrome Version 91.0.4472.114 (Official Build) (64-bit)
karro • Razvojni programeri još nisu reproducirali ovaj bug:
19. lis 2021. 2:53 • Just happened to me. Chrome Version 94.0.4606.81.
diamant • Razvojni programeri još nisu reproducirali ovaj bug:
19. lis 2021. 10:46 • The bug is to propose the selection of level 1 sites and to record these selections which will then be ignored since Star charts allows to activate only camp sites.
In the game #162961145, TAdams_18 had ticked the box "Finish the turn automatically after the main action", which prevents to redo his turn if he so wishes.
The relevance of this option should be considered.
In the game #162961145, TAdams_18 had ticked the box "Finish the turn automatically after the main action", which prevents to redo his turn if he so wishes.
The relevance of this option should be considered.
Warder45 • Razvojni programeri još nisu reproducirali ovaj bug:
29. stu 2021. 4:14 • #220022341
Player was allowed to select level 2 dig sites with this artifact. Once selected turn ended without the player getting rewarded. This card is meant to only work on camp sites.
Player was allowed to select level 2 dig sites with this artifact. Once selected turn ended without the player getting rewarded. This card is meant to only work on camp sites.
sandshrew2 • Razvojni programeri još nisu reproducirali ovaj bug:
28. pro 2021. 21:25 • I also got the same error on Table #227120685. When I bought Star Charts and chose the sites, nothing happenend.
ratcliffe63 • Razvojni programeri još nisu reproducirali ovaj bug:
16. sij 2022. 20:30 • Happened to us on table 232966027, move 316, player picked two non-camp sites (not understanding the card could only be used for camp sites), there was no error, her move ended with no activation, and then there was no way to undo it to try again.
Mike R • Razvojni programeri još nisu reproducirali ovaj bug:
11. ožu 2023. 4:16 • 2023, Same thing happened
Player acquired Star Chart, paid coin, accidentally clicked Level 2 site, turn ended without the ability to choose camp sites.
Player acquired Star Chart, paid coin, accidentally clicked Level 2 site, turn ended without the ability to choose camp sites.
zeitmike • Razvojni programeri još nisu reproducirali ovaj bug:
9. svi 2023. 22:14 • Similar problem. bought star charts, then clicked the Ruby tent site and discarded War Mask.
It did put star charts in my discard pile,
did NOT take a gold, did not activate the tent site.
DID activate War Mask
Ended my turn before being able to activate a second tent site.
On my following I drew up another card from my draw pile and it immediately made me discard it, but still didn't give me a ruby
Lost Ruins of Arnak #162961145
It did put star charts in my discard pile,
did NOT take a gold, did not activate the tent site.
DID activate War Mask
Ended my turn before being able to activate a second tent site.
On my following I drew up another card from my draw pile and it immediately made me discard it, but still didn't give me a ruby
Lost Ruins of Arnak #162961145
1ooo • Razvojni programeri još nisu reproducirali ovaj bug:
12. tra 2024. 0:08 • The same problem, I first activated a lvl 0 site (2 compasses) and then accidentally activated an undiscovered level 1 site.
It did not result in an error, but my turn ended, I was not able to undo it and I got only 2 compasses as a bonus.
It did not result in an error, but my turn ended, I was not able to undo it and I got only 2 compasses as a bonus.
calphin • Razvojni programeri još nisu reproducirali ovaj bug:
20. lip 2024. 12:15 •
Bug still there. I buy Star Charts artifact, pay 1 coin, and get nothing, and my turn ends.
Bug still there. I buy Star Charts artifact, pay 1 coin, and get nothing, and my turn ends.
calphin • Razvojni programeri još nisu reproducirali ovaj bug:
20. lip 2024. 12:15 •
Jebox • Razvojni programeri još nisu reproducirali ovaj bug:
11. velj 2025. 19:15 • Same/similar bug happened to me. Star Charts only gave me the bonus of one of the clicked camps. Table 626325369
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