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#49128: "Marked-off Real Estate Agents were not fully marked"
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• Molimo da opišеtе problеm prikaza. Ako imaš print screen ove greške (dobra praksa), možeš da koristiš da bi je okačio, a zatim iskopiraj link ovde.
When I placed a purple card and chose an estate size to promote in the scoring section, sometimes it doesn't quite mark it. There is a small mark in the top right corner of the number, but that's it. It persists throughout the game, resists refresh, and is visible in replay. Moves 3-5 and other times throughout the game. Doesn't happen every time I use a purple card. Also, next time I construct with Real Estate Agent, it does let me choose the next value, so it's just a display bug.• Koјi је tvoј prеtraživač?
Google Chrome v94
Prijavite povijest
nopeasaurus • Razvojni programeri još nisu reproducirali ovaj bug:
24. ruj 2021. 9:36 • Happened in multiple games:
Screenshots from both games:
Screenshots from both games:
alxwants • Razvojni programeri još nisu reproducirali ovaj bug:
13. lis 2021. 7:06 • table ID: 208714421
The drawing of the scribble SVG seems to be related to the screen size and position of the scribble. If I resize the screen, the scribble appears again. Resizing the window seems to hide/show other ones as well. Also, if I move the left position of the div holding the SVG, it appears again. But every 3 pixels the scribble disappears again.
This is on a Macbook Pro with a retina screen and the window is 1440px wide.
The drawing of the scribble SVG seems to be related to the screen size and position of the scribble. If I resize the screen, the scribble appears again. Resizing the window seems to hide/show other ones as well. Also, if I move the left position of the div holding the SVG, it appears again. But every 3 pixels the scribble disappears again.
This is on a Macbook Pro with a retina screen and the window is 1440px wide.
adrianzr • Razvojni programeri još nisu reproducirali ovaj bug:
28. lis 2021. 22:32 • I upvoted because the same problem is happening with the markings on the parks (just a small mark).
nopeasaurus • Razvojni programeri još nisu reproducirali ovaj bug:
29. lis 2021. 3:03 • @adrianzr does it appear if you resize the screen, like it does with our Real Estate scribbles?
merdun • Razvojni programeri još nisu reproducirali ovaj bug:
2. stu 2021. 1:45 • I think this happened on my most recent game on estate size 3, top tier
Later the final tier as scribbled out correctly and my score was calculated accurately, not sure if i took any action to make this happen
Later the final tier as scribbled out correctly and my score was calculated accurately, not sure if i took any action to make this happen
Biking Gamer • Razvojni programeri još nisu reproducirali ovaj bug:
12. stu 2021. 9:19 • I'm seeing this happen randomly lately.
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- Je li problem rješen pritiskom na F5?
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- Ako imaš print screen ove greške (dobra praksa), možeš da koristiš da bi je okačio, a zatim iskopiraj link ovde.