Unconditional Surrender! World War 2 in Europe
Bеzuslovna prеdaјa! Drugi Svеtski rat u Еvropi је igra na stratеgiјskom nivou koјa pokriva rat u Еvropi.
Igrači kontrolišu političkе odlukе i voјsku cеntralnih, zapadnih i Sovјеtskih strana koјi su sе borili oko dominaciје u Еvropi i prеživljavaње.
S naglaskom na projekciju snaga i donošenje odluka, igrači se fokusiraju na širu sliku upravljanja vojnim frontovima i političkim prilikama.
Korištenjem jednostavnih mehanika i niske gustoće žetona na karti, igrači lako upravljaju strateškim akcijama bez mnoštva složenih podsustava ili visokih naslaganih žetona.
Igra se fokusira na širu sliku, ali donosi povijesne detalje.
Svaka zemlja u igri ima povijesni redoslijed bitaka svoje vojske, a relativna snaga njezina gospodarstva i nacionalne volje za borbom učinkovito je i jednostavno prikazana.
Također su predstavljeni događaji iz Drugog svjetskog rata poput zračnih desanata, slobodnih snaga, mlaznih aviona, pomorske evakuacije, partizana, radara, teške artiljerije i ULTRA-e; sve to je utkano u osnovne mehanike igre radi jednostavnosti igranja.
Unconditional Surrender! ima 16 scenarija koji se kreću od pojedinačnih kampanja do cijelog rata.
Broj igrača : 1 - 3
Trajanje igre: 21 mn
Složenost: 5 / 5
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Igraj Unconditional Surrender! World War 2 in Europe i 1002 druge igre online.
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Sa svojim prijateljima i tisućama igrača iz cijelog svijeta.
Sažetak pravila
Differences between BGA version and real game version :
Poland 1939
Difference | Impact |
Nothing | None |
Difference | Impact |
National will is used for Denmark and Norway | None |
France 1940
Difference | Impact |
⇒ Rule not implemented : • In the first turn’s Operations Phase, the Axis faction must attack or move into Belgium, Netherlands, France, or the UK. It would be a waste of time if the axis faction didn't. ⇒ Rule modified : • At the end of the May-40 Axis Operations Phase, put the France 2 Air unit in a friendly city in France. Mobilization of France 2 Air unit occurs only after Axis does attack or move into Belgium, Netherlands, France, or the UK. |
Minor |
Balkans 1941
Difference | Impact |
Nothing | None |
Mediterranean 1940-1942
Difference | Impact |
⇒ Rule modified : No Surprise Attack marker is used A Surprise Attack marker is used. |
Minor |
French North Africa 1942-1943
Difference | Impact |
Not implemented | ∅ |
France 1944
Difference | Impact |
Nothing | None |
USSR 1941
Difference | Impact |
⇒ Rule modified : Maps Used: East Both maps are used. ⇒ Rule not implemented : • In addition to standard supply sources, a Transport Line hex on the west edge of the map serves as an Unlimited Supply Source for an Axis unit. That’s Axis, not just German. • In addition to standard Mobilization Locations, a Transport Line on the west edge of the map serves as a Mobilization Location for a German unit. Unlike supply above, it’s German only. Useless, both maps are used. ⇒ Rule modified : • A Hungarian unit mobilizes in hex 3234. Budapest can be used too. ⇒ Rule modified : • Emergency Mobilization: At the end of the Jun-41 Axis Operations Phase... Occurs only after Axis does attack, move or place a marker in USSR. |
Minor |
USSR 1941-1944
Difference | Impact |
Same as USSR 1941 (TO-FIX: Mobilization of Italian unit) | Minor |
Soviet vs. Western 1945-1946
Not implemented | ∅ |
| Main Event 1939-194?
⇒ Rule not implemented :
After setting up counters, players decide if the only way Italy can activate as an Allied country is if the Axis faction declares war on it (10.1.1).
⇒ Rules not implemented :
- Entry-V
- Interception & Escort during Air Strike
- 6.2.6 Bombing Run
- Amphibious Invasion Aborted : Amphibious Invasion voluntary abort
- Home Defense Not Satisfied
| Major |- | Europe 1941-1945 | Same as Main Event 1939-194? | Major |- | Europe 1942-1945 | Same as Main Event 1939-194? | ∅ |- | Europe 1943-1945 | Same as Main Event 1939-194? | ∅ |- | Europe 1944-1945 | Same as Main Event 1939-194? | ∅ |- | Germany 1945 | Not implemented | ∅ |}