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#136296: "the contract row get "jumpy" when having many contracts"
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when having many contracts the scrolling sliders appear when hovering . I see the use of the sideways slider but it should be below the contracts in its´ own designated area and not replace the bottom part of the contract row as it makes them "jumpy". I think that will also solve the problem of the very marginal up and down slider (maybe a few % of the total height) that appear because a part of the contracts gets covered by the sideways slider.• Koјi је tvoј prеtraživač?
Google Chrome v128
Prijavite povijest
31. kol 2024. 11:51 •
Tisaac • Razvojni programeri žele više informacija o tom prijedlogu:
31. kol 2024. 12:13 •
31. kol 2024. 12:27 • I havent encountered that before, what is your device/browser ?
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