Stol #648884042
Potez #58
Napredovanje 42%
Prеthodno cassino #648884042 ... ([preskoči ponavljanje zadnjih poteza])


Prikaži zapise igre
Prikaži opise
Card style
Play sound effects

Opcije igre

Mod partiје
Brzina partije
Target score
Royal Cassino
Draw variant
Otkad je igra započela, u međuvremenu je ažurirana: stoga je ponavljanjе EKSPERIMENTALNO.



Capturable cards
ZBeast (6)
0 -378062743 eur Visitor-378


Prikaži zapise igre
Prikaži opise
Card style
Play sound effects

Opcije igre

Mod partiје
Brzina partije
Target score
Royal Cassino
Draw variant

Napomena: 3D je eksperimentalan

Ti si gledatelj ove partije
2 dana
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2 5 0
2 dana
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2 14 2
Gledatelji: Visitor-378062743
VenthTheTenth discards 7
08:50 PM
ZBeast creates a single build of 6 with A, 5
ZBeast plays A
08:44 PM
VenthTheTenth discards 5
08:34 PM
ZBeast discards Q
08:32 PM
Each player draws 4 cards
VenthTheTenth captures 7, 7
VenthTheTenth plays 7
08:29 PM
ZBeast discards J
VenthTheTenth discards 7
08:28 PM
ZBeast captures J, J and sweeps the table!
ZBeast plays J
VenthTheTenth discards J
08:27 PM
ZBeast captures 8, 8 and sweeps the table!
ZBeast plays 8
08:25 PM
VenthTheTenth captures 4, 5, 9
VenthTheTenth plays 9
08:24 PM
ZBeast captures 10, 10
ZBeast plays 10
Each player draws 4 cards
VenthTheTenth discards 4
ZBeast captures 2, 4, 6
ZBeast plays 6
08:20 PM
VenthTheTenth discards 4
ZBeast discards 2
08:19 PM
VenthTheTenth discards 10
07:51 PM
ZBeast captures A, 2, 3, 3, 3
ZBeast plays 3
06:58 PM
VenthTheTenth discards 8
02:05 PM
ZBeast creates a multi build of 3 with A, 2, 3, 3
ZBeast plays A
VenthTheTenth deals 2, 3, 3, 5 on the table
VenthTheTenth scores 9 points
ZBeast scores 2 points
ZBeast captures all remaining cards
ZBeast captures built 3, 6, 9, 9, 9
ZBeast plays 9
VenthTheTenth captures Q, Q
VenthTheTenth plays Q
ZBeast merges 3, 6 with a multi build of 9
ZBeast plays 3
02:00 PM
VenthTheTenth discards 6
07:27 AM
ZBeast captures K, K
ZBeast plays K
3/26/2025 12:23 AM
VenthTheTenth captures built 2, 5, 7
VenthTheTenth plays 7
08:53 PM
ZBeast creates a multi build of 9 with 9, 9
ZBeast plays 9
08:49 PM
VenthTheTenth creates a single build of 7 with 2, 5
VenthTheTenth plays 2
08:43 PM
Each player draws 4 cards
ZBeast discards K
VenthTheTenth discards 5
ZBeast discards 9
VenthTheTenth discards 10
08:39 PM
ZBeast captures J, J
ZBeast plays J
08:37 PM
VenthTheTenth captures built A, 7, 8
VenthTheTenth plays 8
ZBeast discards J
08:32 PM
VenthTheTenth creates a single build of 8 with A, 7
VenthTheTenth plays A
08:10 PM
Each player draws 4 cards
ZBeast discards 7
VenthTheTenth captures 3, 3
VenthTheTenth plays 3
08:08 PM
ZBeast discards 3
VenthTheTenth captures 4, 4
VenthTheTenth plays 4
08:07 PM
ZBeast discards 4
08:06 PM
VenthTheTenth captures 5, 5
VenthTheTenth plays 5
07:59 PM
ZBeast captures K, K
ZBeast plays K
07:51 PM
VenthTheTenth captures 6, 6
VenthTheTenth plays 6
07:48 PM
Each player draws 4 cards
ZBeast discards 6
VenthTheTenth captures 2, 2
VenthTheTenth plays 2
07:46 PM
ZBeast captures J, J
ZBeast plays J
06:16 PM
VenthTheTenth discards 2
06:12 PM
ZBeast discards J
05:59 PM
VenthTheTenth discards Q
05:57 PM
ZBeast captures Q, Q
ZBeast plays Q
05:47 PM
VenthTheTenth captures A, 2, 7, 10
VenthTheTenth plays 10
05:42 PM
Each player draws 4 cards
ZBeast discards K
VenthTheTenth discards A
ZBeast discards 2
04:06 PM
VenthTheTenth discards 7
04:01 PM
ZBeast captures built A, 9, 10, 10
ZBeast plays 10
03:57 PM
VenthTheTenth discards Q
03:56 PM
ZBeast creates a multi build of 10 with A, 9, 10
ZBeast plays A
3/25/2025 03:02 PM
VenthTheTenth discards 5
09:22 PM
Each player draws 4 cards
ZBeast captures 4, 4
ZBeast plays 4
VenthTheTenth discards 10
ZBeast discards 4
VenthTheTenth captures 3, 5, 8, 8, 8
VenthTheTenth plays 8
09:17 PM
ZBeast discards 5
09:15 PM
VenthTheTenth discards 9
08:50 PM
ZBeast discards 3
08:48 PM
VenthTheTenth captures A, 6, 7
VenthTheTenth plays 7
08:47 PM
ZBeast deals A, 6, 8, 8 on the table
Otkrivеn је rеvanš sa potpuno istim igračima: počеtni igrač је rotiran.
Boјa igrača ZBeast је izabrana prеma njihovim žеljama. Promijeni moje postavke.
3/24/2025 08:44 PM
Da li ste znali?
Jesi li pronašao bug? Molimo prijavi ga u sustav za prijavu bugova BGA, uključujući opis i, ako je moguće, snimku zaslona. Hvala.